Sunday, December 26, 2010

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Honduras: reported Colombian military and paramilitary

Colombian paramilitary groups operating in Honduras and the Gaula (Department of the Army's elite Special Forces of Colombia), the news was released from the site of the Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular (FNRP) conducting extensive research of various kinds.

The presence of the Colombian military has confirmed not only by Honduran sources but also from sources and Colombian media, for example, El Tiempo wrote a rescue operation of a cousin of the Honduran president Porfirio Lobo, Lobo Filiberto Mario Moya wealthy cattleman. Mario Lobo Filiberto Moya was arrested Oct. 16, 2010 in Honduras and released after a few days by the police of Honduras with the support of Gaul. The article also mentions some of the statements of an elite military body which is located in Honduras and recounts the details of the release of Mario Lobo Filiberto Moya, adding that it would be the "twelfth seizure terminated by an intervention of Gaul "in the Central American country.

addition to operations in support of the local police department also is working with the Gaula Battalion 3-16.
The Battalion 3-16 in Honduras was established in 1980 and trained for six months in an air base in the southern United States where they were landed at night and where they were prepared for the Dirty War. The trained staff that was made by CIA agents and officers operating in Argentina del'Operación Cóndor. Did the secret training and returned to Honduras began their murderous operations that perhaps they are still continuing today.

According to rumors, testimonies and comparison of the torture techniques Gaul and the Battalion 3-16 would be responsible for the abduction, torture and death of seven farmers, some of whom were active in the fight against the coup in June 2009 but also took part in the struggle against the regime in the 80s.

A new article from El Tiempo revealed the presence of a Honduran citizen arrived in Colombia to recruit paramilitaries in the Magdalena Medio and, coincidentally, a few weeks later, many farmers and inhabitants of the municipalities of Colon Honduras Olancho and tell of armed Colombians hired by landowners in perpetual war with farmers' organizations.
Another important fact in collaboration between the two nations was the short visit (which lasted for three hours) of Uribe to the "new president" hondiregno, Porfirio Lobo, which was signed the new agreement of cooperation and information sharing against terrorism and drug trafficking.

Not that they all maneuvers to revive the old state terrorism?

Sample Prayer Before Thesis Defense


Arachidi ricoperti di Wasabi e Nori

These coated peanuts and nori seaweed Wasabi ... Addictive!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How To Make Chudidar Dress


Many Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Massera died

The November 8, 2010, in Buenos Aires, Emilio Eduardo Massera is dead who was Chief of Staff of the Argentine navy and one of the supporters of the coup of 1976 that the military establish processes to National Reorganization. It was one of the political mind of military juntas that ruled Argentina, between 1976 and 1981.

Massera was an exponent of the leading military junta led by Videla and also the officer who led the strategy of terror, the ESMA (Escuela Mecanica de la Armada), which was the responsible, was the key player. Its responsibility in the kidnapping, torture and disappearance of about five thousand men and women has been rebuilt by the Argentinian court sentenced him to life imprisonment (even if the president Menem canceled several judgments against former coup leaders an amnesty).

Fortunately, with the President Kirchner in Argentina the processes and in Europe (Italy and France) took up, in Italy the process leads to two judgments of 6 December 2000 and March 14, 2007 of the Rome Court sentenced him to a number of serious crimes against numerous citizens Italians like murder, robbery, kidnapping, injury, the replacement of state, rape and more.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Jane Austen.

Entering the main Google page, tell us that today is the birthday of well 235esimo Giannina!
I think many / and, forgive me confidence, but I would be so intimate with our Jane Austen, who has not dreamed of in the pages of Pride and Prejudice, Emma, \u200b\u200bSense and Sensibility, and many of his books? A woman who not like to be intelligent and witty as you, who manages to write books so impeccable that you are passionate (I, personally, I find it hard to stop reading his books)?
After this "love message" to the Gianna, I wish you good evening!

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The challenge of Dilma Rousseff

On October 31, Dilma Rousseff Lavotatori 'Party (PT), Lula's former president, defeated at the ballot right-wingers, José Serra (PSDB), conquering the 56.05% of votes (remember the outcome of the first round where he got 46.7% preferences) and becoming the first woman president of Brazil.

Immediately after the victory at the ballot Dilma said that monetary policy will not undergo changes from the Lula presidency and therefore also the Finance Minister (Guido Mantega) and the President of the Bank Central (Henrique Meirelles) continue their work.
The new government will Dilma continuitàa many projects and policies undertaken by the previous government, an example is the PAC project (program of gradual acceleration of growth) which was edited by preoprio new president.

Dilma in his first official immediately placed the emphasis on fighting poverty. Chercher its policy in the coming years to eradicate the poverty that affects about 16% of the Brazilian population, and that already during the Lula government (which lasted eight years) decreased by 18%.
The results obtained to date from the Bolsa Familia are driven project but certainly commend the project created by Lula has been helped by the economic situation is very favorable to allowing Brazil to impose itself on the global market, which enabled over the last eight years to create more than 14 million jobs.
Il progetto oltre a puntare sullo sviluppo economico del paese sostiene le famiglie con lo stanziamento di circa quindici milioni di euro all'anno che è pari all'un percento del PIL brasiliano.

L'intervento del governo brasiliano è urgente e "quello che conta è che venga eliminata la povertà estrema" ha affermato il ministro dello sviluppo sociale Márcia Lopes ed il nuovo censimento che dovrebbe vedere la luce entro fine anno dovrebbe permettere al progetto di mirare ancora meglio gli aiuti alla popolazione che vive nella povertà più estrema.

Ed è un intervento anche piuttosto urgente, perché although 85 percent of those living on one dollar a day is already enrolled in Bolsa Familia, the contribution is insufficient to ensure that raise their head out of the most extreme poverty. Seventy reais per person per month (about 30 auro) remains negligible.

The new government will be able to keep the promises and the way that the Lula government, albeit with great contradictions and errors , has undertaken will be hard, but the hope of the Brazilians, who have put their trust in Rousseff and Lula who has strongly supported as his successor, is to continue to give dignity to all Brazilian people making the principal actor in the economy and politics.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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The husband, returning from a trip to Dijon, I took a little thought, the macarons:



Finally my culinary curiosity (there is that term?) Was satisfied and can say with certainty ... that are very good! I think every time he returns to France will be forced to return to buy un bel po' di macarons. Enrico, inoltre, ha scoperto che il pasticcere è un personaggio non da poco, in quanto ha vinto vari premi a livello nazionale (intendo in Francia) per i suoi macarons e i cioccolatini!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Frankenstein Sympathy

The Botnia paper mill does not divide more

, Uruguay and Argentina signed after eight years of popular mobilizations and diplomatic clashes, an agreement for the supervision of the Uruguay River and the emission of the paper mill owned by Finnish corporation Botnia.

The mill was built in 2002 in Fray Bentos (Uruguay) by the English company Ence Botnia on behalf of the corporation that has invested about 1.8 billion dollars. Environmentalists and population Gualeguaychú (Argentina) were mobilized because of the waste paper processing polluted pesantemente la acque del fiume. 
Il conflitto tra i due paesi si inasprì fino alla chiusura, per opera degli abitanti della spoonda Argentina, per circa tre anni dell'unico ponte di collegamento; inoltre l'Argentina si rivolse al tribunale internazionale dell'Aja perché con la costruzione della cartiera l'Uruguay violò il Trattato Uruguay del 1975. 

Con la firma di questo accordo i governi di Montevideo e Buenos Aires continuano il proficuo dialogo che è iniziato con la vittoria alle elezioni presidenziazli uruguaiane di Pepe Mujica.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Strawberry Shortcakes Poly Pocket

Christmas Tree

Ecco il nostro albero di Natale:

Albero di Natale 2010

Purtroppo, ogni giorno, viene personalizzato dalla Sofia (la quale si diverte a staccare le povere palline ed a lanciarle in giro per casa!).

Why Does Scorpio Disapear

Bento # 21

Bento #21

Questo bentino è stato preparato un bel po' di tempo fa, con amore, per Reby... Purtroppo ha avuto breve vita, perchè al ritorno del papà con Sofia dall'asilo nido (ovviamente lei had already had lunch and I think it was good, too full of energy), was brutally thrown to the ground. The cries are not wasted and I am sure I tried to remake it better (I want to clarify that I have reused the food that was scattered on the ground!).

Monday, December 6, 2010

How Far Should A Coffee Table Be From The Couch

voltage for borders between Nicaragua and Costa Rica

Nel mese of operations in November 2010 for the dredging of the river from the Rio San Juan Nicaragua to secure the waterway has caused a diplomatic crisis.
Costa Rica, Nicaragua accused of throwing debris on polluting its coast and also to have invaded their territory with the installation of a military camp.

The dispute remained for about two weeks at the verbal level, has resulted in the movement of troops along the river is the boundary between the two countries. Luckily he landed in the diplomatic row OAS (Organization of American States) which was convened a special meeting to try to solve the problem.

The allegations (violation of national sovereignty) forward by Costa Rica's president, Laura Chinchilla, were rejected by the government of Daniel Ortega said at a meeting of the OAS, the areas in which debris have been downloaded and installed the military camp are on the ground in Nicaragua. Ortega said the army's presence is linked to an operation against drug trafficking, but is also caused by the large police presence in Costa Rica.
This battle back in first on the conflict between the two states on the borders. The border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua is about 320 km but the demarcation points are only twenty and in some cases they are far apart from each other. For example, between the first and the second point we sopno approximately 140 km distance this creates problems for accurately delineate the boundary between the two states and it is precisely in this area that has reignited the dispute. The
the Cañas-Jerez Treaty, which defines the boundaries between the two countries, and in 1858, and was supplemented by a Resolution of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, in 2009, acknowledged "the exclusive domain of Nicaragua to the Río San Juan ", the prohibition to sail for Costa Rica people armed with people and the only option for commercial navigation, with the permit issued by the Nicaraguan authorities.

To try to resolve the matter, the secretary general of the OES, José Miguel Insulza, has traveled to Costa Rica, Nicaragua and in contention. During his diplomatic journey has gathered important information with which to begin the mediation and establish definitively the boundary between the two countries.
Insulza after his visit said he was very satisfied with the information received, "the approach by both sides has been extremely constructive," the desire to resolve the conflict through through diplomatic channels "and within a reasonable time.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Giving A Card For A Wedding

They're back!

Finally they're back ... Every evening at 20.05 on A5 we can remember how we dressed badly in the 80's and bad acting was / is in "Love Me Licia".

Aishwarya Showing His Boobs

Daddy Long Legs.

few days ago I finished reading Daddy Long Legs and although it is a book of early last century and is certainly full of surprises, I found it very nice.
A point of interest before you start talking about the book, the title refers to the common spiders that have legs long and thin and children in america they call them Daddy Long Legs (daddy long legs).
The protagonist of the book is Jerusha Abbott, orphaned teenager who lives in an orphanage (I know that after what has been said the first thought is, "but fortunately for daiiiiiiii ?!!"); Jerusha its own theme, written for punishment , is read at a meeting of supporters of the school and although it is not just flattering to them a member of the board decides to pay the cost for the university to enable them to become a writer, but on condition that the Jerusha writes regularly letters.

After reading the book, of course, I had the desire to see the cartoon that I taste when I was a preteen, the differences between the film and the book are different, to name a few, as you can see directly with your eyes, the main character in the animated series is a 13-year-old and a 17-year-old and it does not go to university, but the new institution is not even defined as high school. In the book the protagonist is named Jerusha, and soon after decided to be called Judy, but only in the animated series called Judy.

course the anime is very light, created for a very very young audience, in fact in the first Judy seems bets made by a constant and annoying attack of laughter, but over the course of the series thankfully recovers.
addition to the animated series there is also a cute movie starring Fred Astaire, I remember seeing him when I was really small, but as soon as I finish the carton to see me I rigusterò the ballets of the famous Fred!

Edit 11/12/2010
not recommend watching the cartoon for people who suffer from depression, especially in the final episode the main character changes radically and becomes particularly Pallosa!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How To Book Wrestling Card

Revisionism Chilean

The Chilean government, the first right after the end of the Pinochet dictatorship in 1990, proposed a law to eliminate government funding to institutions that work and are committed in the protection of human rights and in the memory of the disappeared. The bill is part of the Chilean financial, Ley de presupuesto, and undermine the survival of these institutions and organizations that work daily to keep alive the memory of all those placed silenced by one of the bloodiest dictatorships in South America.

These association there is a Park for Peace "Villa Grimaldi" and Londres 38. The Peace Park by a de Villa Grimaldi detention centers where illegal immigrants have gone about five opponents between 1973 and 1978, including the regime of former President Michelle Bachelet. At Villa Grimaldi 20 people were killed and two hundred and twenty prisoners were made to disappear. Villa Grimaldi was a restaurant where members dell'Unidad popular (the coalition of then President Salvador Allende) would meet regularly and which was seized by Pinochet's secret police, Dina, who became notorious in the neighborhood Newfoundland.
Londrea 38 The association is named after the headquarters of the Socialist Party requisitioned by the Chilean military coup and was created in which a detention center where they were tortured and killed about a hundred people.

In both cases the associations are responsible for the preservation of the structures in which they set up two memorial museum, guided tours and meetings with former detainees.

The government now proposes that this law is that a famous intellectual and Nobel laureate defined as "truly anti-dictatorial" and now is starting a new and hideous phase of revisionism, driven by a the majority led by Udi (party dell'ultradestra Pinochet) trying to erase the painful past of a country.