Monday, March 14, 2011

Sasusaku Lemon Stories

And then boh? Read and smile too LOL

Hands up who has never gone (if only for a quick look fast) on Facebook (also known as the Fèisbùk or Fessbook) or Twitter (I do not speak ill of this because I admit that I adore) or on any chat, or simply observed / a boy / compose a message with the phone. Have you ever stopped to try to understand what they indicate certain abbreviations such as LOL or WTF?
course, now you will think now that it's hopeless nerd by language, such as Sheldon Cooper and his merry mates for nerd Big Bang theory, but in reality it is not. I took five minutes of my life to investigate (as we call it?) History of these acronyms and abbreviations and I discovered something very very interesting: the so-called abbreviation that are now part of our everyday life come from a certain object called television. Yes, that's her!

Here are some abbreviations that you often see on the web:

  • or asl a / s / l , by age, sex, location, the first contact with an unknown person, "age, sex, location (where you're from)"
  • ASD : sardonic chuckle used as a change in lol, sometimes repeated ("asdasdasd"), a differenza di quest'ultimo, per indicare la facilità con cui qualcosa fa sogghignare. A , S e D sono le prime tre lettere della seconda fila delle tastiere QWERTY).
  • ATM : acronimo dell'espressione inglese At The Moment ("per il momento").
  • b4 : contrazione del termine inglese before ("prima").
  • b-day : contrazione di birthday ("compleanno").
  • bbl , da be back later , "torno più tardi"
  • bbq , da "barbecue"
  • brb , da be right back , "torno subito"
  • btw , da by the way , "a proposito"
  • cya o cu , da see you , "ci vediamo"
  • dunno : abbreviazione di don't know , tradotto in italiano con non lo so (dato che il suono della pronuncia di don't know assomiglia molto a dunno , a sua volta pronunciato donnò )
  • FTW : è un'abbreviazione dell'espressione Engrish For the win [sic], che vorrebbe significare "per la vittoria". Viene usually placed after the subject of a sentence, it is also an acronym dell'epressione English fuck the world in Italian "fuck the world".
  • gg / gj from good game, good job , "good job"
  • gl , from "good luck", "good luck"
  • dignity: "good night", in Italian "good night".
  • gotta : "Got to," in Italian "I . eg "I gotta go," I must go ".
  • GTG / G2G from got to go, "I must go"
  • h8 : Abbreviation of "hate", "hate"
  • ihm from I Hate Myself, "I hate, I hate myself (for having to say / do this)
  • l8r or cul8r by or later see you later, "see you later"
  • LMAO : acronym that stands for laughing my ass off , it means laugh out loud.
  • LMFAO : acronym that stands for laughing my fucking ass off , it means laugh out loud with my fucking ass off
  • lol, laughing out loud from , I laugh loud (or to some "lot of laughs, a lot of laughs or even "laughing over limit", laughing over the limit)
  • nm, not much to / never mind, "not much, it does not matter"
  • nope "no"
  • np, no problem from , "no problem"
  • nvm from never mind, "do not worry"
  • OMG : acronym for the English oh , my God! , "oh, my God!".
  • OMFG : acronym of oh, it was ***** my God! , "oh, ***** God." It also A second variant English oh, it was ***** my gosh! in Italian "oh, disk hog."
  • PEBKAC from Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair, "the problems exist between the keyboard and the chair."
  • ROTFL : English acronym of hyperbole rolling on the floor laughing , "I roll on the floor with laughter." Many times t of the word 'the' is not transcribed: rofl
  • ROTFLASTC : acronym for the English rolling on the floor laughing and scaring the cat , "I roll on the floor laughing scaring the cat. "
  • ROTFLMAO : acronym for the English rolling on the floor laughing my ass off , "I roll on the floor laughing his ass off."
  • support from what's up? wassup? , "What?"
  • ttyl from talk to you later, "I will talk to you later, see you later"
  • ty / tnx / fnx / thx /, thank you from and thanks, "thank you" want
  • : Want to contraction of "I" followed by a verb.
  • wombat By waste of money, time and brain , "waste of money, time and mental resources"
  • w00t! , WOOT! : acronym for the English We Owned Other Team, "we beat the other team," which is used to express a feeling of triumph (the Italian equivalent of "we've torn").
  • wb, welcome back from , "welcome back"
  • WTF: stands for w t hat he f uck!? , "what the hell?!".
  • WTH : acronym for w hat t he h ell! , "what the heck!" / "What the hell."
  • Yeah! , yup, yap, yep, yah , yh : yes! used in chat to express approval, to agree or cheer.

Bah ... judge for yourself! I, deep down I'm a bit nerdy, I know some ...
But anyway ... LOL!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Afghan Wedding Invite

Brazil: the process Veron

A Sao Paulo after the killing of eight years Kaiowá Marcos Veron, a leading exponent of the Guarani people, begins the trial of the accused Estevão Romero, Roberto Carlos dos Santos and Jorge Cristaldo Insabralde. The three men are accused of murder, arbitrary detention, procedural fraud and other minor crimes.
In 2003, a landowner who had usurped the ancestral lands of the Guarani people commissioned the murder of Veronica, who had led the reoccupation of the lands of his people, for this was kidnapped and beaten to death.

the Guarani people have stolen their land, without the local and national authorities did comply with the laws, in order to develop new plantations or estates where plant and grazing animals.

The Attorney General of Brazil said that being able to bring to justice those accused of murdering an Indian Guaraní is a historical fact because it is the first time this has happened, until Today the violence and abuses against the people Guarani (forced to live in reserves in case or shanty towns) had never been brought to court.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wording For Welcome Letters

'We will continue our protest outside the hospital in Policoro'

Vito Gaudiano not denied standing out as a champion of arrogance and deception. Until a few months ago he went around telling the futility of the garrison of Policoro, announcing in the secret rooms, the dismantling. After months of struggle and the interest of the Committee on the fate of the hospital Policoro by up to several regional directors, to change strategy and discovers that the words hospital Policoro is strategic for the economy's health Lucana. Sure

us some time to recognize what we said we were going for some time but now the words are not followed by actions, or rather the working conditions and performance of the hospital Policoro are dramatic for the continued plundering of resources and the chronic logistical shortfalls.

Just take a trip to the hospital Policoro to realize operating conditions in which doctors and nurses. The beds, which according to national parameters should be compared with 270 to 80 000 inhabitants in the catchment area concerned by the PSA Policoro (3.3 people per 1,000 inhabitants), were now reduced to only 89 beds ( amalgamation were the first 227), on projected use of 54 doctors are on duty only 22 units, the same situation for the paramedics to the lack of which is to provide a breakdown of performance of the garrison of Policoro: You may continue in this manner reparto per reparto. Scandaloso è poi la questione dei tempi delle liste di attesa che si sono drammaticamente raddoppiati in raffronto alla vecchia gestione.

C’è voluta una Delibera di Giunta per fermare l’opera di smantellamento silenzioso messo in atto: il Direttore Generale, a quel che si dice, sembrerebbe ancora perseverare nell'opera demolitoria facendo passare alcuni provvedimenti come fossero decisioni antecedenti allo stop imposto dall’Assessore Martorano. Noi proseguiremo il presidio davanti all’ospedale fino all’opprovazione del nuovo Piano sanitario e richiediamo con forza l’integrazione nei reparti del personale medico e paramedico in modo da mettere da subito l’Ospedale in grado di garantire performance to the expectations of citizens.

In this week we will continue our work of informing and raising awareness of denunciation and the political class, knowing that this battle is not only in defense of good primary health care, but it is vital for the quality of life of the whole metapontino area.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Soften Handkerchief

EMMENEWS.TV: Hospital Policoro: Unions call for more gar ...

bench keeps the delicate issue of the future hospital Policoro. Because while the general manager of ASM, Vito Gaudiano has reassured the public at a press conference arc ion, on the other there are the mayors of the municipalities concerned that some are not so sure of these assurances because they say it would be only in words without any attached documentation.
It was precisely the mayors to declare their concerns during a press conference this morning in the council chamber of the town of Policoro which was attended by the acting mayor of Policoro, Rocco Leone, the mayor of Tursi, Joseph Labriola, Mayor Rotondella Francome Vincent and the mayor of Stigliano Leonardo Di Gilio. The more conservative the position of mayor of Rotondella.

See Movie


At&t U Verse Delete Call History

Gaudiano Policoro to shed light on the hospital

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 18:04 GIANLUCA Pizzolla

POLICORO - A press conference at the hospital Policoro this morning in the office of health management, in which the Director of asthma, Vito Gaudiano, made clear on "too many rumors and gossip that they only hurt the people and the many positive projects underway on Policoro" , began with these words Gaudiano. Who added: "No more protests to those in Policoro tench started but have absolutely no motivation." The manager then focused on the numbers of active and passive mobility and competitiveness, according to his data, they would see the Asm (Matera) keep up the nearby Puglia. "The number of hospitalizations in the Basilicata region exceeds the number of admissions in Puglia, has reversed the flow. There is also an improvement in the active mobility (patients who choose to cure asthma, ed.) And a reduction of the passive (those who go out to heal, ed.) As for the "gossip" policoresi, Gaudiano clarified some passages.

THE ALLEGED Unification UTIC-RESUSCITATION POLICORO. "It is not a consolidation but the transfer of patients Utica and those of resuscitation in one area that would have the advantage of monitoring by the control unit, all without reducing the number of beds (8 in all)," said . "Currently, patients do not have all of central monitoring, in fact those in need of resuscitation (2 - 3 persons) do not have central monitoring. "

THE HOSPITAL AND THE LACK OF SPACE "FIRST AID CAMP. "When I established the Superintendency was blocked for nearly five years, the renovation of the hospital Policoro, while the works were in progress have been blocked because it showed the remains of the old Eraclea. The hospital today is a lager. It is not dignified for patients. The fault is not mine and even doctors. Fortunately, will inaugurate the new one in April with eight locations to keep patients under observation. "

MRI. On this point have been called "nonsense." "Resonance Policoro was not opened because the new rules we had to start again. One thing I'm not used to do is open and then immediately afterwards to close. I recall that there have now been opened to new operating rooms and the tac best in the region. "

STAFF. "Despite the hiring freeze, the emergency room has Policoro avuto14 nurses, we hired two doctors. In obstetrics, after the tragic death of Rosalba Pascucci after cesarean section twin, it's being the primary functions of Madonna delle Grazie, Matera. This also disproves the joke about my attempts to help defuse Policoro Matera.

BIRTH MARKS. "Policoro threatened to quit because according to the minister Fazio was with the garrison of Villa D'Agri, too low, the number of shares (the minimum is 500). I felt close Policoro criminal who travels around 480-490 parts.

POLICORO "PSA" BET TO WIN. "Policoro be excellence as PSA (ER Assets). This does not mean that John Paul II will be an emergency, but it will be a hospital for acute connected to the system of urgent and emergency 118. Today is not a Policoro psa but what we are doing it will become.

BEDS. "It is true that they are insufficient, it is true that our colleagues have imparare a gestirli meglio con il “bed management”(gestione del posto letto,ndr). Molto spesso è la questione sociale che incide, ci sono persone che chiedono di rimanere di più in ospedale perchè a casa non hanno i termosifoni funzionati: accadeva a Tricarico”.(GianPi)

Guardia medica ai lidi e vicenda Pascucci

POLICORO - Durante la conferenza stampa abbiamo chiesto a Gaudiano delucidazioni sui presidi di Guardia Medica (ambulatori) nei lidi del Metapontino e sul punto in cui è giunta l'inchiesta interna avviata dall'Asm dopo la morte nel settembre scorso, in seguito a parto cesareo gemellare, di Rosalba Pascucci, giovane bernaldese.

ROSALBA PASCUCCI. “Quello I had to do I did, suspended the two gentlemen concerned for 60 days, the maximum time allowed by the rules, but then I have not heard anything either from the ministerial committee that asked me too, I know neither of the findings from an autopsy privatization of view but I am not aware that the judiciary has to be made public. Surely I should know because if I have to also take other disciplinary action against two colleagues or reintegrate them completely. "

MEDICAL AID. "That's Metaponto is not a doctor, but it is a general medical practice. Last year they wanted to reopen the clinic and I do not know if I'll just make it this year. Also because if I did I do it in Metaponto shore in Nova Siri, Scanzano, Policoro, Rotondella. However, if we must talk in a serious way the service is not needed, we already have the 118 with 40 ambulances throughout the country. (Gianpi)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Buffie The Body And Pinky

Rousseff cutting government expenditure

The Brazilian government led Dilma Rousseff decided to cut costs by about € 20 billion after studying the outlook for the local economy in 2011 growth will be at most 5%.
The government is moving ahead to also have some leeway and not much impact on the world of work and social life.

A first obstacle that stands in front of the president is Rousseff wage. The trade unions demand an increase of 580 reais, while the government in the face of the reduction of expenditure and the risk of inflation, is unwilling to rise above the 545 reais.

Minister of Finance, Guido Mantega, during the presentation of the government's plan, said: "With less government consumption will reduce the pressure on prices. [...] This cut will be more drastic than those made in previous years. [.. .] The goal is clear and that is to keep inflation under control and reduce government spending is the main way to combat any inflation, "Mantega said later that the Aceleración Programa de Croissance (CAP) plan development and construction of basic public works, will not be touched.

The Brazilian government in its study economic plan to drastically cut back, back in 2001, public debt, reversing the trend of 2009-2010. In the last two years, the Lula government, which had always Mantega as finance minister, decided to support the Brazilian economy with substantial funding for the industry to stem the global crisis and not to drop the recession in Brazil, so the government increased its expenditure and the results proved him right.
Dilma Rousseff Today, however, can not continue with this economic policy and risk a dangerous debt of Brazil, but must try to let the industry continues on its path counting on their ability and on economic growth the country which continues even if not as large as before.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Counterfeit Titleist Clubs

Luca Cordero di Montezemolo traveled highway with his new model Ferrari F430 Inside Out di velocità. Improvvisamente dallo specchietto retrovisore vede arrivare da lontano Silvio Berlusconi sopra una biga, stile Ben Hur. Berlusconi supera Montezemolo e lo sperona, devastandogli la fiancata della Ferrari. I due si fermano. L’ex presidente di Confindustria scende dalla macchina arrabbiato come una iena e tuona:

“Insomma, possibile che tu non permetti a nessun altro di correre in santa pace?”

Berlusconi, sorridendo:”E dai, non ti arrabbiare così ! Sai che mi sono comprato la lampada di Aladino e grazie a lei risolveremo tutto!”

Il premier estrae dalla tasca il mitico coccio e dice: “Strofinala e chiedi quello che vuoi. Mi raccomando, grida perché genius is old and is also a bit 'dull'. Montezemolo manipulates the lamp and the genie comes out. Luke screams with his little voice: "I want one billion, one billion euro to refurbish the Ferrari."

Thunder breaks out and open up the gates of heaven. Descends from the clouds, precipitating an object: a pool table, crashing the Ferrari, destroying it completely. Montezemolo, upset, criticizes the genius: "Old rincitrullito, I asked a billion, not a pool!"

Knight's laying his hand kindly on his shoulder and smiling says, "I told you that is a bit 'deaf! In your opinion, I asked him a chariot? "

Krusteaz Mix Biscuits

Rapa Nui: The Mapuche people claim their rights, Ecuador

The Mapuche Indians of Easter Island, Rapa Nui is the indigenous name, began a series of demonstrations and protests against the Chilean government in the past has given individuals the ancestral lands of indigenous communities.

The conflict between the natives of Rapa Nui and the Chilean State began in 1933 when Chile took possession of about 87% of the island, leaving only 13% of the land in the hands of natives who were about 70% of the population of Rapa Nui.
In 1966, the Chilean state decided to sell a lot of ancestral lands dei Mapuche agli imprenditori alberghieri calpestando una legge nazionale che vietava la vendita del territorio dell'isola a stranieri e privati. In questi territori tra pochi mesi la Sociedad Hotelera Interamericana S.A. sta per iniziare la costruzione di un enorme complesso alberghiero da oltre 50 milioni di dollari.

Oggi gli indigeni continuano la protesta, a dicembre hanno manifestato le proprie ragioni occupando una struttura alberghiera; questo atto ha scatenato la reazione del governo che ha deciso di inviare la polizia per sgombrare l'area. Lo scontro tra polizia e manifestanti ha provocato cinque feriti e dieci arresti tra gli indios.
La voce degli indios è giunta alla Comision Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, i Mapuche chiedono con decisione "l'immediato stop delle violenze e la garanzie che gli agenti della polizia e lo Stato non mettano a rischio la vita o l'integrità fisica dei membri della comunità".

I Mapuche continuano a difendere le loro tradizioni ed i loro diritti oltre che con le manifestazioni e le occupazioni, sempre pacifiche, anche attraverso il ricorso ai tribunali che avranno l'onere di decidere se restituire le terre usurpate ai Mapuche oppure far proseguire lo scempio del territorio e dei diritti dei Mapuche di Rapa Nui.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Monster Energy Large Poster

EMMENEWS.TV: Hospital Policoro: the way to the garrison

kicked off in front of the gates' Hospital "Giovanni Paolo II" of the garrison Policoro organized by the Defence Committee of the hospital Ionian. A trailer and several banners bear witness to the active presence of the committee, which wants to keep attention focused on the future of Policoro hospital, health center to serve not only Ionian coast of Basilicata, but also the inland areas and many towns in the Calabrian coast.
In particular the Committee is concerned that the new Regional Health Plan to provide for the consolidation of some services, but services that, according to the presidium members, should be strengthened, to meet the needs of users of the Ionian coast.
Policoro front of the hospital there will be several initiatives, as explained by the spokesperson of the Committee, Ottavio Frammartino.
Participants in garrison as well as some retired members of the "Silver Star" by Policoro already a leader, last summer, a petition against the transfer of the Department of Physical Therapy from the "John Paul II to that of tench.

See the movie

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What To Write On Wedding Card For Co Worker

struggling with the health emergency

La Costituzione ecuadoriana launched in 2008 recognizes the right to receive first aid from any public or private that is. Unfortunately, this article of the Constitution is often ignored and private structures dying literally leave the sick who are unable to present a credit card, or a few thousand-dollar bill or a certificate of insurance.

To combat the "health market", the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, has proclaimed January 10, 2001 "State of Emergency Medical Services for a minimum period of sixty days.
"The State of Health Emergency" Correa wanted to try to increase the efficiency of service bringing the national health funds about $ 410 million to boost infrastructure and technical equipment. The money to finance the project will be recovered with some taxes on alcohol and tobacco.
In the documents that provided the Ecuadorian Government says that since 2006 there has been an increase of nearly 140% access to public hospitals.

emblemaitico A case of Ecuadorian situaziomne Alcivar is to Edison in February 2010 that he arrived in critical condition at the private clinic Pichincha, one of the best facilities in the capital Quito, but it was nice because in his Portfolio had no credit cards or signs of health insurance. After four hours of arriving at the private clinic Pichincha, Edison, was dead.
Another striking example occurred in September 2009 when Charlotte Mazoyer, a young French volcanologist, was the victim of a robbery in which they shot her, she was taken to private clinic but Pichincha Edison even as she showed credit cards or stamps health insurance. It was left to die on a stretcher.

Health Care in Ecuador, as in any other country, is a very reditizio for individuals who work there and it is not uncommon to see speculation intolerable. In the private health sector is also a market for Ecuadorian patients with protagonists of the emergency operators who are paid by private, between 50 and 150 dollars, sending the injured in private clinics rather than in public facilities.

analysts in the light of the difficult health situation in Ecuador, where private clinics are certainly not going to give up their huge profits agree that the latest move by President Correa would be to impose, as the Constitution provides for the State of Exception.
With the exception of the State Constitution permette al governo di riformare pesantemente ed addirittura di nazionalizzare una parte o tutto un settore.
Correa, sempre secondo gli analisti, non si spingerà a tanto perché è il potere economico che impone le regole e non quello politico.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Patent Provisional Sample

But you see ...

I'm overcoming my monthly fee ... well, I'm outdated, the share of the entire year since my last post dates back to May 17.
Of course some things happen just so strange ... sometimes arrive at a level of weirdness that seem almost fictitious, if we were actors in a film. Well, if it is true that "everyone is the star of the film of his life" then I've just been through a tragic-comic, or as they say Forbo grotesque. For not easy to estimating number in, I suffered (again) of "writer's block." But blocking all the senses: Lock blogger, poet Block, Block screenwriter, lyricist, etc etc in short block, writer's block-in-all-senses. I reached a point where I could formulate a thought every 3 days ...
I understand that the last post does not give much the impression that my "block" is over ... I just copied "shamelessly" texts found here and there around. But now I came back to me. My hand began to act before my brain, made me grab a pen and paper (although in this case refers only to computer keyboard) and began writing ... making me realize just what I was after doing. Otherworldly experience? The much-trumpeted GOD (not Ronnie James) was made flesh in my hand? Or my body just got tired of my mental laziness? I do not know and never will know ... or maybe they are!
I know is that I started to write ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can I Watch You Masterbate

The silence of the fathers for the nights of Arcore (Claudio Fava)

not only the rider, not just girls, not just the madam and flatterers, not only the friends dressed as butlers, the purveyor of sex, disks Apicella and lap dance in the basement : In this story from the late Roman Empire, there are also fathers. It is the evocation of the most brazen, most melancholy

of what remained of Berlusconi of Italy at the time. I padri che amministrano le figlie, che le introducono alla corte del drago, le istruiscono, le accompagnano all´imbocco della notte. I padri che chiedono meticoloso conto e ragione delle loro performance, che si lagnano perché la nomination del Berlusca le ha escluse, che chiedono a quelle loro figlie di non sfigurare, di impegnarsi di più a letto, di meritarsi i favori del vecchio sultano. I padri un po´ prosseneti, un po´ procuratori che smanacciano la vita di quelle ragazze come se fossero biglietti della lotteria e si aggrappano alle fregole del capo del governo come si farebbe con la leva di una slot machine...

Insomma questi padri ci sono, esistono, li abbiamo sentiti sospirare in attesa del verdetto, abbiamo letto nei Minutes of intercepting their thoughts, we have them listen to reason and enrichment of homes and changed lives in exchange for a quickie with their daughters, a man of seventy years: they are, most of the dragon, most of her maids, the real losers of this story. Because with them, with the fathers, is not the last piece of normalcy very Italian, with them all takes on a definite price, convenience, opportunity.

is why the next ten million signatures collected against Berlusconi should be another ten million signatures against the Italians. Arcore those nights are the mirror of the country.

of kids aged quickly and fathers dumb and happy. Convinced that their daughters, big brother or big brothel, the island's famous, the important thing is to be selected, to be smelled, to be bought. You say blame the suburbs, television, the poverty that weighs like a hair shirt, the wealth of the few insults like a spit and authorizes impure thoughts.


Bernard Viola, you can not remember who it was. I'll tell you.

was the father of Frank Viola, the girl of seventeen years of Alcamo, in the mid-sixties, was kidnapped on the orders of her rejected suitor, held captive for a week in a farmhouse and long-raped. It was a prelude to the wedding, to Italy and in the penal code of the time. If you liked a girl, and you did not like that girl, you had two paths: either you give up or I'll

taking. The seizure, rape, married. According to the laws of the time, the marriage healed every crime: it was love that won, was the sense of family and good patience to get there if you had to move the body and the dignity of a woman.

A Franca Viola was treated equally. He, Philip Melodia, a country kid, and the son of rich people with the surname heavy, had offered a dowry to the spider Franca, the land and the respect of friends. All that a ragazza di paese poteva desiderare da un uomo e da un matrimonio nella Sicilia degli anni sessanta. E quando Franca gli disse di no, lui se l´andò a prendere, com´era costume dei tempi. Solo che Franca gli disse di no anche dopo, glielo disse quando fece arrestare lui e i suoi amici, glielo urlò il giorno della sentenza, quando Filippo si sentì condannare a dodici anni di galera.

Il costume morale e sessuale dell´Italia cominciò a cambiare quel giorno, cambiò anche il codice penale, venne cancellato il diritto di rapire e

violentare all´ombra di un matrimonio riparatore. Fu per il coraggio di quella ragazzina siciliana. E per suo padre: Bernardo, appunto. Un contadino semianalfabeta, raised on bread and hoeing the land hunger of others. The cut trees, they killed the beasts, and took the job: to convince your daughter to marry, made him know. He convinced her instead to hold out, to denounce, to demand respect for the truth. You put your hand to him and I put another hundred, Bernard said his daughter Franca.

act of love, rather than courage. He was poor, Bernard, the poorest of the fathers of some "Squinzi" Arcore, those who ask if their daughters were chosen for the bed of the dragon. But maybe it was just another Italy.

Claudio Fava - January 24, 2011

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Gaudiano Stop by the junta. We will continue our struggle. Hospital Policoro not touch

With a decision by the junta STOP at a major dismantling operations implemented by the Director Vito Gaudiano. We will continue to be vigilant and we will be on alert so that it acts is respected by continuing to demand the resignation of Director General. Friday will begin the protest outside the hospital took the view that this struggle will end only after the launch of the new regional health plan, health plan that must be attended and especially to the presidio to our rightful place. Short-term and after discussing with the citizens, the Fourth Committee will ask a 'hearing to present the proposal prepared by the Committee, to be drafted by many doctors at the hospital have worked, and that is the basis of the proposed revival of the Hospital Policoro .
Press Ass Health
Pending the launch of the new Regional Plan for Health, "stop the procedures related to teaching appointment of simple and complex. " This was decided by the regional government, which, through the press office, specifies that "the proposed resolution was adopted by the Department branch, Attilio Martorano, who gives the mandatory provisions relating to local health organization." The stop also covers 'the procedures for authorization for the construction of public and private health facilities that require activation of beds' and 'procedures for authorizing the construction of public and private health facilities, and to permit the opening' exercise for health, as well as procedures for accreditation and to conclude new contracts between private hospitals accredited and their local health authorities. " The communiqué also stressed that "the choice of the junta was to avoid that, pending the decision of the Regional Council, which the junta last month submitted the draft plan, operational decisions can be taken in contrast with those will address the Assembly shall consider adopting. The executive decision is based on principles of respect towards the institutional activity of the Board and operational efficiency to avoid that can be put in place changes that are inconsistent with the Plan to be adopted, and covers both cases in which de novo progress and, in the case of procedures for granting of assignments, including those already previously authorized and for which has not yet been resolved to grant specific arrangements. The 'decision should not freeze, however, have no influence on the performance to make it to nationals. The same resolution passed states that 'the Regional Health Authorities are required to put in place all necessary measures to guarantee, in any case, the continuity of performance and in maintaining the quantitative / qualitative reached without taking' any act impact on the organization and territorial hospital that could foreshadow inconsistencies with the proposed Regional Plan of Health and Human Services and by requiring that any exceptions to resolve cases requiring requires the adoption of new organizational models are directly and specifically authorized by the county council to which requests must be submitted on time motivated. " "Our choice - said Martorano - in addition to being motivated by institutional respect and good administration promotes a more peaceful debate on the new plan, for which we are interested in proceeding expeditiously with the contribution of all." The 'freezing' end by June 30 next year, unless extended, if the time of adoption of the Plan beyond.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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The Rivolucion the move

Il 2011 per la Rivolucion inizia con una serie di importatni cambiamenti che vedono come protagonista l'apparato statale ed il lavoro "privato". Entro la metà del 2011 poco più di cinquecentomila lavoratori cubani, impiegati nel settore pubblico, verranno congedati.
La stragrande maggioranza sarà assunta da altre società (a cuba le società sono metà a capitale pubblico e metà privato), altri andranno in pensione ed infine molti richiederanno le licenze per poter intraprendere una delle 180 professioni (tra settore privato e cooperativo) private che sono state liberalizzate dal presidente Raùl Castro. 
Per chi resterà senza impiego lo Stato offrirà un lavoro nel settore agricolo o edile.

La ristrutturazione dell'apparato statale cubano è un grande cambiamento per la Rivoluzione Cubana. Secondo le cifre rese disponibili dal governo cubano verranno congedati circa ottocentomila tra funzionari e impiegati nei prossimi tre anni; un taglio che interesserà circa il 25% del Cuban personnel in the state machine.
According to the government led by Raul Castro this restructuring will bring great benefits to the Cuban state by streamlining the bureaucracy, lowering costs and stimulating the national economy, according to some analysis in 2016 the 50% of the workforce will be employed in the private sector.

The Otan, Oficina Nacional de Administracion Tax, which takes care of the issue by the Cuban state licensing states, sel Its latest report, which was submitted many requests to obtain a license (the sectors most requirements are food, from production to sale, the record and that of basic necessities) and about 45,000 will have been already granted.

addition to these measures, Cuba (who wants to streamline and modernize) will lower the subsidies, potenziarà the private sector and seek further investment from abroad to try to increase the number of workers.

"The reforms are delayed to ensure the survival of the socialist system and the Interior Ministry will oversee [...] with the utmost rigor and severity is necessary against those who commit crimes and social injustice. "

Friday, February 18, 2011

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The UDC Policoro against the downsizing of the hospital

Mario Vigorito, alderman, and Nicola Viola Policoro express on behalf of UDC - In a statement released by the office of the City of Stamap Policoro - their opposition to the possible amalgamation dell'Utic resuscitation in the local hospital, "John Paul II:" We feared that the reduction of beds assume a negative meaning for all Ionian area, and it sounds like a reduction of the one defined by many third largest regional health. We do not want it to be the prelude to even closure of some departments are essential to the person. But to remain in the theme of our opposition, more specifically, the departments concerned, for every heart attack would be a serious injury. In fact it's statistically proven that the percentage of deaths heart attack is the second leading cause, after that for tumors, as pointed out in a recent round table organized by the Lions Club last week. So if you must follow the policy of the cuts have to start from unproductive expenditure and parasitic diseases that often lurk in public, and not vice versa, as many parties advocate, combine essential services. In fact, we would mention that the hospital of Policoro is what has a bigger audience in percentage terms, than many other hospitals Lucania. " Then Viola also tells a personal experience: "I found my skin on the efficiency and effectiveness of the service a few years ago when I was struck by a principio di infarto. Grazie ai posti letto e al personale dell’Utic fui ricoverato tempestivamente a Policoro e dopo qualche giorno trasportato al “San Carlo” di Potenza. Alla fine del periodo di degenza nel capoluogo, ritornai a Policoro e iniziai la riabilitazione nel reparto guidato egregiamente dal dott. Angelo Lapolla. Quindi la mia testimonianza diretta conferma l’importanza di questo servizio in un’area scoperta da presidi sanitari. Chi parla di periferia sbaglia, perché Policoro ha un circondario che và oltre i confini regionali se consideriamo che la Calabria jonica non ha ospedali e dunque l’utenza è alta e aumenta a dismisura l’estate”. Pertanto i due esponenti del partito di Casini concludono: "Not only are firmly against, but demand more staff and more beds for the cardiology department of rehabilitation and post-admission"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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EMMENEWS.TV: The Committee prepares the garrison hospital Policoro

A permanent garrison in front of the hospital Policoro and a public meeting to explain to people what actually happening at the city hospital.
These are two initiatives that the Committee in Defence Hospital Policoro going to implement in the coming days. "There are only permissions - we said the spokesman of the committee, Ottavio Frammartino - as soon as we start our fight against the decisions that penalized see our hospital.
There stabilized with a trailer in front of the hospital, where we will provide detailed information about what is going to happen to the hospital to the citizens through public meetings and also try to sensitize the citizens on the problem because only by joining forces may be able to get results. "
The Committee is concerned by what comes from the new Regional Health Plan which provides for the consolidation of departments and intensive care in a single area of \u200b\u200bUtica emergenza.Un consolidation, according Frammartino, could not be made because the hospital is Policoro a PSA or an active ER and therefore requires a separate resuscitation. "In fact - the spokesman of the committee tells us - in Italian with no hospital wards PSA dell'Utic and Intensive Care have merged. In addition, the health plan prevde that the merger is carried out on the premises of the hospital's decontamination Policoro should be used for any cases of contamination. "
The appeal, therefore, that the Committee shall be to all citizens is to mobilize when in a reduction of this hospital as well as being a serious blow to the right to health, would spell the "death of Policoro and Metapontino.

To watch the video go to:
EMMENEWS.TV: EMMENEWS.TV : The Committee prepares the garrison hospital Policoro : "A permanent garrison in front of the hospital Policoro and a public meeting to explain to citizens ciò che realmente sta accadendo al ..."

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Ruggiero (UDC) and Castelluccio (PDL) at the hospital in a protest outside Policoro

E. Ruggiero
Foto a destra P. Castelluccio

In un’interrogazione all’assessore alla Salute, Attilio Martorano, i due consiglieri regionali chiedono chiarimenti circa l’ipotesi di accorpamento di due reparti nella struttura sanitaria

In un’interrogazione all’assessore regionale alla Salute, Attilio Martorano, i consiglieri regionali Vincenzo Ruggiero (Udc) e Paolo Castelluccio (Pdl) chiedono “quali sono gli indirizzi del Governo regionale in merito all’accorpamento dell’Utic con il reparto rianimazione dell’ospedale Policoro and what actions shall be construed to be deployed to prevent such a situation that, if implemented, would result in a reduction of forces and human beds and create an insane fracture on the user end of the entire health Ionian, the Lower Sinni and high Calabria. " The two politicians refer to "alarming news" reported by the press that, in their view, would seem to confirm the hypothesis of scaling.

Since the Regional Council and the Board competent committees "at the beginning of the process to approve the Regional Plan for health and personal services - write the two directors - una simile decisione, qualora assunta, sarebbe in contrasto con gli indirizzi regionali, che tendono ad individuare proprio nell’ospedale di Policoro uno dei poli di eccellenza della sanità lucana”.

Contestualmente all’interrogazione consiliare, Ruggiero e Castelluccio chiedono al presidente della Quarta commissione consiliare, “Politica sociale”, Rocco Vita, che su tale vicenda venga audito, con urgenza, il direttore Vito Gaudiano, direttore generale dell’Azienda sanitaria di Matera.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Italian people stupid clever

Runs somewhere on the net this week wrote to Elsa Morante .
Who if it were lost:

"The head of the government spotted repeatedly during his career crimes which, in the presence of a people honest, they would have deserved condemnation, shame and deprivation of all authority of government. Why tolerated and even applauded the people committing these crimes?
Part insensitivity moral, some for cunning, one part self-interest and personal gain. The majority is of course made on behalf of his criminal activities, but he preferred to give his vote to the strong rather than the right. Unfortunately, the Italian people, if you must choose between duty and advantage, despite knowing what would be his duty, always choose the self-interest.
So a mediocre man, coarse, vulgar eloquence but easy
effect, is a perfect example of his contemporaries. In an honest people, would be at most the leader of a small party later, a slightly 'ridicule for his manners, his attitudes, his delusions of grandeur, offensive to the common sense of people and because of his bombastic style and shameless. In Italy he became the head of government. And it's hard to find a more complete Italian example. Admirer of force, venal, corruptible and corrupt Catholic without believing in God, conceited, vain, fake good-natured, good father, but with many lovers, he uses those whom he despises, surrounded himself with dishonest, of liars, the inept, profits; skilled mime, and should take effect on an audience vulgar, but, like any mime, without its own character, you always imagine to be the person who wants to represent. "

Whatever you thought The text, in 1945, refers not to B. Mussolini ... I express myself. But is it really true that Italians are stupid!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Chile protests against the increase in the The gas

The increase, from February 1, 2011, imposed by the Chilean government, 17% of the gas did take to the streets the inhabitants of the region of Magallanes. The General Strike ( traders, truckers, fishermen and laborers) lasted about a week and have paralyzed the south of Chile with trucks and cars blocking access to the city of Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales and the local airport.

Protests have erupted in southern Chile because the cost of living in these areas is higher because of the large distances that goods must travel ed il freddo del sud obbliga un consumo maggiore di gas per il riscaldamento. 
I blocchi stradali sono stati mantenuti anche con la pioggia, il freddo riparandosi con tende improvvisate e riscaldandosi con piccoli fuochi. Il blocco delle attività è totale, il traffico di camion e auto che dovevano dirigersi dalla Isla grande della Terra del Fuoco a Punta Arenas utilizzando i traghetti hanno raggiunto i 7/8 km di coda. Il blocco stradale veniva sospeso momentaneamente per permettere ai camionisti ed automobilisti di raggiungere il porto per imbarcarsi approvando e sostenendo la protesta dei loro concittadini.

La protesta è stata sostenuta da all citizens of the region and there is tension among the population that has been mobilized and the police. The cars roamed the streets of the region had a black flag, a symbol of protest, a sign of mourning for the whole economy of the country due to the sharp increase in the gas.

Government took note of the will of the people to continue the protest decided to begin negotiations with the protesters. The organizers of the protest said they will continue to express their dissent until they manage to negotiate a fair price for gas.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Uruguay and full employment

Uruguay has achieved an important result: full employment.
In South American country over the past decade the unemployment rate has fallen from more than 20% to just under 6%. This result was possible thanks to the large and growing national economy has maintained an increase of 6 / 6, 5 percent per year.

Full employment is certainly a good thing but the government of President José Mujica has to be vigilant on two possible problems that may occur. The first is that companies can not find workers, each profile and level, in order to continue to grow and satisfy the market, while the second problem is the protagonist inflation. In a country where economic competition increases along with the research staff could raise labor costs and consequently the prices of products.
This concern is confirmed by an executive Director de recursos humanos Advice, Federico Muttoni, which analyzes the growth period of the Uruguay saying "the continued growth of the economy in recent years, the increase in foreign investment as had never seen before, agricultural and forest growth, have generated many jobs, and now it is difficult to meet the demand of specialists. "

The area that could be more difficult in this situation is one of the buildings that already see a lack of workers, and the Director of Instituto de Empleo y Formacion Profesional, Juan Manuel Rodriguez, recalled that "the problems will increase when work will begin on the Stora Enso and Arauco Aratirì or mine, which will require between eight and ten thousand workers.
For this reason, the Camara de la construcion asked to train the military to teach them the necessary trades.
To try to cope with the shortage of workers in Montevideo the administration thought it could be very helpful to incorporate the Uruguayan citizens who had emigrated in recent years to seek better living conditions just in the construction industry where there was a strong demand.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Spongebob Squarepants.

If there is a cartoon that is love Spongebob at our house (perhaps Henry and me that the girls) ... Initially, just the two of us could not stand him, but to take the girls after a quiet day at the beach (last year in Riccione), we began to look at him and I say that each episode never disappoints, always laughter guaranteed.
Spongebob As you can see yourself (in the U.S. also has a surname that is: Squarepants) is a marine sponge, in fact all his adventures are set in the seabed, just to Bikini Bottom.
His best friends are Patrick (starfish) and Sandy (a squirrel that live in the sea wearing a kind of astronaut suit!), The pets of Spongebob and Gary, a snail, which if not mistaken , meowing. To live, of course, works as a cook in a Krusty Burger and his employer is the miserly Mr. Krebs.
There are lots of characters but unfortunately I can not remember them remember all, we recommend you watching the animated series, and especially the movie (never seen so much concentrated craziness in a movie!)

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Argentina: Videla

The Tribunal Oral Federal de Córdoba sentenced to life imprisonment on December 23, 2010 Argentine dictator Jorge Rafael Videla for crimes against humanity between 1976 and 1983.
The same court also imposed the same penalty to General Luciano Benjamin Menendez and twenty-eight other soldiers.

Videla and his accomplices were tried for the murder of 31 people of the Unidad Penitenciario San Martín de Córdoba, known as UP1, and also for the kidnapping, torture of six people accused of "belonging to revolutionary organizations"
The dictator in the process has always insisted that he had undertaken a "just war against terrorists who tried to overthrow the military government to establish a Marxist Leninist dictatorship." Videla also continued to call themselves "honored the victory against the guerrillas" and claimed for himself all the responsibility for the actions of his subordinates in the leadership of Argentina from 1976 to 1980.

The sentence will be served in a prison town, not a military, the ruling took into account all the documentary evidence and testimony that the magistrate Maximiliano Hairabedian managed to get so Videla identifying the "most responsible" in the planning of the plan systematic "to eliminate opponents of the military regime."

Monday, January 31, 2011

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life imprisonment in Cuba: three terrorists convicted

At the end of December 2010 the Tribunal Popular Provincial de La Habana was sentenced to thirty years imprisonment on a citizen of El Salvador Francisco Chávez Abarca for acts of terrorism against the Cuban state.
The Court has considered all the evidence gathered during investigations and of admissions made during the trial, from which Abarca said he received orders directly from the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles .
Evidence gathered by the Cuban police have established that the accused raccoglievas information on places most frequented by tourists and then hit them with terrorist attacks.

Investigations have shown that Abarca recruited, trained, organized and financed by the citizens of Guatemala and El Salvador to carry out terrorist attacks or sabotage in the 90's.
Abarca said during an interrogation to be part of "an armed established in Central America by Luis Posada Carriles by the Cuban-American National Foundation. "Furthermore, he admitted his participation in the series of bombings that struck Cuba in 1997 and that these terrorist acts were promoted by Posada Carriles.

Besides Abarca were sentenced two other terrorists, Raul Ernesto Cruz Leon and Nader Kamal Musallam Barakat, for their active participation (preparation and study of the explosive to blow up places where the bombs) in terrorist acts against Cuba
Cruz León, guilty of having organized and committed the attack in 1999 in Havana where he died Fabio di Celmo, and Musallam furono condannati a morte con una sentenza emessa nel 2008 dal Consejo de Estado ma in questo processo la pena capitale è stata commutata in una pena detentiva di trenta anni.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Honduras: the army intervenes in Guadalupe Carney

L'alba del 15 dicembre 2010, in Honduras, ha visto il dispiegamento di circa seicentocincuanta uomini appartenenti alla polizia ed esercito. Il dislocamento delle forze dell'ordine hanno di fatto circondato ed occupato l'intera comunità Guadalupe Carney, dove il Movimiento Campesino del Aguán (MCA) stava protestando da quasi due settimane giorni.

La protesta del MCA nasce perché il governo golpista non ha dato seguito ad alcune applications such as land reform and the ban on paramilitary groups in the region of Bajo Aguan. In this region in November were killed five farmers who were opposed to the displacement desired by magnate Miguel Facusse and this clashed with his private army who killed them.

The occupation of the region by the troops had already begun some days before when they had arrived with armored vehicles, helicopters, tanks and trucks equipped with bars of cells (which retain the stop). The military are also ecuipaggiati with high-caliber weapons.

The crackdown on the political and media field is supported by the Security Minister Oscar Alvarez, who announced a major commitment by the state in the area of \u200b\u200bBajo Aguan and in all regions where farmers oppose the "modernization of the country ". For the government and large landowners such as the modernization of Honduras Miguel Facusse passes out of the crowd forced the peasants who do not want to cede their land to big landowners proiprietari, which financed and supported the coup government, for a few dollars.

Minister Álvarez said of the Movimiento Campesino Aguan are "dark souls, dark" that interact with the drug traffickers, these falsehoods should prepare the ground for future military operations and the consequent processes that may see their "debut" anti-terrorist law recently passed.

air in Honduras is increasingly heavy, we can expect yet another massacre of campesinos?

Thursday, January 20, 2011 Play

Bolivia: reform the pension system

The Bolivian parliament has approved the pension reform proposed by the government led by Evo Morales.
The reform provides that men retire at age 58 instead of the current 66, while the women and the miners' retirement age è anticipata a 56.

La riforma ha fatto molto discutere in Bolivia e sicuramente farà discutere e verrà osservata con attenzione all'estero.
La nuova legge che rivoluziona il settore pensionistico è in evidente controtendenza rispetto a tutti gli altri paese del mondo dove l'età pensionabile è stata o verrà aumentata.
La riforma boliviana si può spiegare con il rapporto tra il periodo lavorativo e la speranza di vita dei lavoratori boliviani che nel paese è di 66 anni. Altro dato importante è l'età media della popolazione di circa 22 anni e cresce al ritmo del 2 percento l'anno.

Con questa legge il sistema pensionistico non verrà stravolto e secondo alcuni studi indipendenti molti settori dell'economia nazionale ne trarranno un beneficio diversificando l'economia nazionale e migliorando i salari. Uno dei punti che gli studi indipendenti ed il governo non sono riusciti a sciogliere è come reagirà l'economia nazionale nei prossimi anni sui fondi pensioni le cui previsioni sono effettuate per periodi di tempo lunghi, circa 35 anni. 
Inoltre la riforma prevede l'istituzione di un "fondo di solidarietà" finanziato anche dallo Stato per assiscurare una pensione minima ai lavoratori autonomi che abbiano versato contributi for at least 10 years.
Alongside this reform President Morales has decided, with the backing of parliament, the nationalization of two banks (owned by Spain's BBVA and Switzerland's Zurich Financial Service) managed pension funds.

Apaza Bruno, director of the Cob, the Central Obrera Boliviana wonders if "the state will assist that part of the population that today does not work, because if it is true that the workforce of the country is available at put his to help the less fortunate, whether the state should take to heart the situation and do much for them. We'll see. In fact will be young to be positive or negative in this situation. "

Saturday, January 15, 2011

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The Mapuche and the moves of Piñera

With the conclusion of the hunger strike of the last ten Mapuche, imprisoned in the jail of Angol, opens a new phase in the conflict between the Mapuche people and Chile
The first step is the reform of the Ley on terror, then the Mapuche addenda to have "recognized their rights to equality and equal dignity" and then the central government must give life to the Plan Araucanía ( which provides an appropriation of about four million dollars to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the region, 700km south of Santiago del Cile, in cui scarseggiano acqua e infrastrutture).

Con la revisione della Ley Antiterrorista, istituita dalla giunta militare di Pinochet, saranno riformulate le accuse in base alla legge ordinaria verso i 35 Mapuche (incarcerati per aver appiccato il fuoco a una proprietà terriera e ad alcuni macchinari agricoli) perché a causa della legge creata di Pinochet rischiavano fino a cento anni di carcere.

Il governo ha creato una commissioni interministeriale per attuare un progetto di riforma della Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena (Conadi) e la creazione dell'Agenzia di sviluppo native.
According to the analysis of the representatives of the Mapuche people, and only these changes will only serve to reduce any rights of the indigenous peoples. With these reforms are the agreements of the Convention 169 (ILO) ratified by Chile in September 2008.
The government tries to emphasize that the Chilean nation is "one, indivisible and multicultural [... ] every community must preserve, strengthen and develop their identity, culture, language, institutions and traditions and participate in economic, social, political and cultural life of the country in the form of establishing the national system. " In so doing the Mapuche and other indigenous peoples lose the status of legal entity and therefore any law related to the status thus going to affect the ancestral lands and waters.
With this move the government Piñera policy recognizes the rights of individuals, whether Indian or not, but stripped of all rights "indigenous peoples will be able to organize their lives according to their customs, provided that they do not contravene the Constitución and laws "that can no longer administer the law according to their own ancestral lands.

If what, for now, it was only sketched Piñera by the government were to come true then the conflict between the Mapuche and the Chilean government is certainly riacuirebbe.