Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Get Rid Of Smelly Urine In Carpet
Non ho nemmeno la forza di pubblicare un post. Non è che non mi mancano le idee, semplicemente NON NE HO VOGLIA.
Ahi boia! La pigrizia mi ucciderà
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Jazira Without Cloths

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Kates Playground Iphone Vid
admit di non essere mai stata un'accannita amante della sua musica, ammetto anche di essermene ampiamente fregata di tutti i gossip e non sulla sua vita privata. Ma riconosco che ieri è venuta a mancare una vera e propria leggenda della musica e del ballo. Quindi, in memoria del King of Pop posto la sua hit più famosa, ancora in testa alle classifiche come album più venduto nella storia della musica.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Megan Goods Short Hair
Come è già successo a Ross nel suo post , è successo anche a me, ma senza aver mangiato niente di particolarmente pesante. Ero lì nel mio candido lettino e ad un certo punto mi sento una voce che mi fa "Mi consenta to wake her. You should go and vote. "I open one eye open the other and I see Mr. Berlusca in suits standing in front of my bed with his hands on his hips. He hands me four cards and said:" Vote! ". I'm still sitting on the bed with his eyes half shut. After a short silence, my mouth opens and the result is a "Look, the eighth dwarf, take the gentleman and respect women who sleep! Good night, "and I fall asleep again. A few seconds after I wake up cursing really ... as a builder because they are the 4 in the morning.
course it's true: Some things happen only in dreams! But I'm going to vote the same ...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Kates Playground My Hoodie Set
Che vita dura quella dell'oss: operatore socio sanitario!
Quasi tutti i giovani diplomati vengono tacciati dall'opinione pubblica e dai vari governanti politici di essere fannulloni, mantenuti dalla famiglia e con poca prpensione al lavoro....
Partono gli emigranti del lavoro e dei concorsi da nord a sud, da sud a nord, speranze illuse, promesse disattese, valigie a seguito, panino alla mano, frustration, discomfort ........ 6 to 14 at most places if it goes well in competitions, questions 800/1000 10 € or something extra to participate in order to change the lives of the unemployed.
's sad, and it is sad when you're well placed in the merit list, plus there is a law that extended these rankings until 2010, but several companies have already dismissed this by issuing new contests ....
another round, another wheel more disappointments and young people lined up without giving up ....
Casini said one day:
not want foreigners, who work in factories?
I answer
- but did you notice that all of the services sector, Italian firms are dying and are closing but saw that movie Casini as he said?
And the brunette wants to work people up to 70 years, we are not in government where a chair is always, you must give and guarantee a job, because the laws if you have more than 30 years old to six forces armed, for public places, for companies that have no incentive to hire people over 30, and then remain empty words, called to tell her, but not to solve hunger and unemployment of people ....
The resignation is bad, especially in the young!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
How To Make A Blueprint On The Computer
My parents are out.
I have a cold.
I cooked spaghetti with the onion.
For the hungry and the greediness
I jumped on the plate
and I burned my tongue.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Record From Xbox To Pc Without Capture Card
I, PENIS, I claim, an appropriate adjustment economic and regulatory framework for the following reasons:
1. Work using physically.
2. Work in depth.
3. I work in a damp place.
4. I work in a dark room without air conditioning.
5. Work at high temperatures.
6. Jobs at risk of infectious diseases.
7. Working with the head.
8. I work mainly at night without overtime pay.
9. I also work weekends without extra leave.
The Company does not recognize the validity of requests made as a series of revelations merger control digestion, it appears that the aforementioned penis
1.Non works for eight hours straight, it would never be appropriate.
2. Often falls asleep on the job after brief work.
3. It rests between a job and much more.
4. It does not keep the workplace clean at the end of its business.
5. It has no initiative to do some serious work should stimulate.
6. Unlikely to agree to make a second consecutive round.
7. Sometimes it leaves the job before it has completed its work.
8. Not always obeys the demands of superiors.
9. It is not always true to his job but, at times, plays with intense competition.
10. In addition, he was seen entering and leaving his job dragging two suspicious bags.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Fred's Application Online

Too many translations.
Every so often a fuck.
Rarely leisure pursuits.
Often una strimpellata con la chitarra.
I mal di testa si fanno sentire più del solito.
Un pisolino di quando in quando.
E sono anche stata capace di alzarmi giusto 5 minuti prima dell'inizio della lezione?!!!?!
La diagnosi è una sola: stress pre-esami.
Ho proprio bisogno di VACANZE!!
Confermato dal Dr. House
Friday, April 10, 2009
Breast Feeding Old Man

Aspetto recensioni (soprattutto la tua Paloz ). Nel frattempo auguro ai miei cari amici una Buona Pasqua.
Ciao a tutti!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What Does Server Error 554 And 0x800ccc6f Mean?
This song was performed Wednesday. Paloz and I kept asking "but how the hell does?"
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Life Expectancy Pulmonary Fibrosis

premise for this concert that I have not found the bigiletti: When I called (over three weeks ago) I was told "there is no place, but come the same maybe we can get you ... and that's fine! Then I called Paloz asking him if he wanted to come. Want to know the answer? "How can you ask EVEN ??"... legendary!
Last night, after many vicissitudes to find a place, we sat in a corner you to enjoy the concert. The only misfortune was to be left standing all the time and did not see the stage very well, especially me (I'm not a Stangoni).
The concert was truly amazing!! Kaki King is truly a formidable guitarist. Unthinkable that a technique has not only wowed me (which does not take much), but also the great musicologist Paloz. Not only for the pieces that he played in groups, but especially for those who performed alone: \u200b\u200bthere really is coming down the hall! On leaving the room we had shoes to her mouth and eyes out.
In short: KHAKI BRAVA!
I hope to be able to review, because it really would be worth the effort.
Paloz ps, are you okay with the mustache, even if you're too lazy to get a beard! :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Headache And Pain On Right Arm
little example: I found this posting on a blog ... I did not write myself, although I fully agree. Or at least it is for the masses.
may be true that teenagers are always looking for a continuous identification. That may be true that none of these teenagers admit it. It will also be true that this action will create to a certain ... um ... shock, perhaps? But I would hope so! For once, your mental apathy will be waved like a pudding, I hope ... and maybe (provocazione!) you will also have the guts to leave comments. Anyway ...
spoken openly about this trip and I do not mind. There is defined in a certain way and, OK, I'm, Choose for a character. Despite this freedom, the mass of young insignificant (also commonly called Alice "Cock-confused") are not satisfied and you throw in things larger than themselves. They are trying to understand political ideals, social movements and even music scenes that have nothing to do with them. The age of onset is one of the thirteen years or so.
STEP 1: You start talking about politics, it is said extremists. This is because you can not be moderate, we can not figure things out slowly ... no. It has commonly INFRASCIAMATI (because you have to be fashionable until the end) or even an insult to target Fascists who call you fucking jew. We must attract the attention with a swastika or a red star. There is talk of revolution, when if it were not for the state would not have even the Scarpettini infrasciamate feet. You smoke, you define the rebels and anti-conformists ... or better (or worse?) ... ALTERNATIVE! Hasta la victoria and scenes underground.Ma affezioniamoci not too close to this ideal of freedom (??), will soon pass.
STEP 2: it is the transgressive phase of the absolute rejection of the rules and black leather boots. This time he talks about Punk. Just two chains and a skull to be perfect and even Dolce & Gabbana can achieve these levels of high fashion. Ridges, different colors and shearing are inevitable. Studs, tie and black nails that have to do with various desecration involving the music of the Ramones and the Sex Pistols. In a very peaceful passing by to look kefie primordial Avril Lavigne, Pink and hating the feeling more and more and more obscure punk e più rock…si vogliono suonare strumenti come il basso e ci si vuole fidanzare con i chitarristi di qualche garage band.Ma nemmeno questo durerà poi tanto…
FASE 3: il web ha un ruolo cruciale per questa ultima fase. Mentre prima bastava solo andare a un bel corteo di sinistra o formare una gruppo punk rock per sentirsi realizzati, adesso ci si incolla al pc e si va alla ricerca di profili my space. 3mo! Viene totalmente ignorato il concetto internazionale di Emo, la musica melodica, le emozioni e l’evoluzione musicale che questo genere ha comportato. Si è così incompresi…ciuffetti viola, unghie nere a pois, converse alla star dai lacci azzurri o rosa o gialli, trucco forte and dark, almost gothic. The things that characterize (and, in my opinion, irritating) are the photos: they consist only ever a self-timer by the lens placed above, the expression of the subject is surprising, bulging eyes and semi-hidden, the mouth can take on strange shapes or just simply an expression of forgiveness (to exist, perhaps?) fiocchietti, skulls, checks, dots and so on running.
But even this will last ...?
POLL: What will be the next item to tarnish?
Ecologists believe: the discovery of the planet.
Gothic and unpleasant: the Death be upon you.
Origin return: because in the end we are all Truzzi.
Virtuosi ungrammatical: we once again pretend to understand something.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Detect My Vaio Webcam
Production year: 2007
Cast: Emilie Hirsh, Mary Harden, William Hurt, Jena Malone, Brian Derker, Catherine Keener, Vince Vaughn, Kirsten Stewart, Hal Horbrook
Directed by: Sean Penn
the film tells the true story of Christopher McCandless, a wealthy young man who, after graduating in social sciences at Emory University in 1990, donates his savings all'Oxfam and leave friends and family to escape to a consumerist, capitalist society in which he can no longer live. His concern, in part due to the bad relationship with his family and partly to the readings of nonconformist writers like Thoreau and London, led him to travel for two years in the United States and northern Mexico, under the pseudonym Alexander the Supertramp.Durante his long journey to Alaska on his way meet various characters: a hippie couple, a young thresher of South Dakota, a young hippie and an old veteran singer ended in his memoirs, which will change life with his message of freedom and brotherly love and by whom will receive the necessary training to deal with the immense lands of Alaska. Here lies the unspoilt natural beauty that, with the passage of time, to understand that happiness is not in material things that surround the man or seen as independent events and experiences in themselves, but in sharing and in full 'unconditional meeting with each other.
the book was published in the United States in 1996, while in Italy it was distributed by Rizzoli in 1997. The novel was later reissued by Corbaccio to coincide with the release of the film. the film was released in the September 21, 2007 Uniti, mentre in Italia è uscito il 25 gennaio 2008 dopo essere stato presentato alla Festa Internazionale di Roma il 20 ottobre 2007, aggiudicandosi il Premio Fastweb nella sezione Première .
Dopo aver letto il romanzo di Krakauer, Sean Penn si innamorò della storia di Christopher McCandless e si mobilitò per ottenerne i diritti cinematografici, tuttavia la famiglia McCandless si dimostrò dubbiosa nel portare la storia di Chris sul grande schermo. Il regista non si arrese, ma dovette aspettare quasi dieci anni, anni nei quali continuò a mantenere i contatti con i genitori e la sorella di Chris. Nel frattempo Penn non stette con le mani in mano ed iniziò ad abbozzare una sceneggiatura pensando a Leonardo Di DiCaprio for the lead role, and Marlon Brando for the part of Ron Franz, is also documented retracing the route taken by Chris and talking to people who had got to know him. When he was losing hope, he finally reached the consensus from the McCandless family, and could trigger the production. It was provided a budget of $ 15 million, financed by the renowned producer Art Linson and William Pohlad, the latter had produced de Brokeback Mountain. Not to disrespect Chris and his family the Magic Bus, the old Fairbanks Transit System buses dating from the forties where McCandless spent his final days, was entirely rebuilt in the most detail, from tools to the writing on the ceiling made by Chris, all due to visit the real place that Magic Bus is still in Alaska committed have been shooting the rapids of the Colorado River, partly because of the difficulty of obtain permits: Penn because he was going to rotate between the upper layers of the Grand Canyon, but it was impossible. Filming Penn took a rest, by giving the footage to his friend and collaborator Jay Cassidy to assemble everything.
The director manages to tell a very simple story about a boy searching for himself, telling of dreams, the anxiety and errors, making a road movie in which she tells the story of Chris with sensitivity, without making it look like a martyr or a modern hero but simply recounting his journey to freedom extreme. Penn takes on the big screen the story without using a chronological order but the use of flashbacks between present and past, like pieces of a puzzle depicting the cross-section of life of a young man. He is not limited to retrace the adventures of Chris on the road, but also digs deep analysis of its relationship with the family and society. Thanks also to an intense photo, the director manages to celebrate the beauty of many natural and untouched landscapes, playing with the contrasts between nature and civilization.
Watching this film has the feeling of complete and total freedom, but this has a price or to leave behind all that is was built in the good life, a choice that goes beyond the courage and that very few of us would be able to cope . That is the greatness of Christopher , which deserves to be remembered through this film.
Proshow Goldbackgrounds
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
What Color Paint With Travertine Bathroom

Production year: 1992
Director: Sam Raimi
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 8.5
Cast: Bruce Campbell, Embeth Davidtz, Marcus Gilbert, Ian Abercrombie, Ted Raimi
catapulted back in time, even in the Middle Ages, Ash (Bruce Campbell) is captured by the troops of King Arthur. Proved his innocence, gets on the trail of the dreaded Necronomicon "Book of the Dead" with great power, but free from sleep involuntarily forces of evil. To return to the era will have to defend the book from the lust for power of his evil alter ego, driving the local population against the army of the dead. . This movie plays around the book of the dead, the Necronomicon, which according to the writer of fantastic tales Howard Phillips Lovecraft, the Necronomicon (whose original title in Arabic is Al Azif ) is a text written by a black magic sorcerer Arab named Abdul Alhazred , who lived in Yemen in the eighth century AD and died in Damascus in mysterious circumstances (it is said to pieces in broad daylight by an invisible being). In fact, the Necronomicon is a pseudobiblium, that is a book ever written, but as mentioned if it were true in any actual books. The Necronomicon , in fact, it's just a literary device created by Lovecraft to give credibility to their stories, which became gradually an intellectual game when other writers began to cite in their tales of horror or science fiction. Lovecraft himself was almost forced, at some point, to confess that the Necronomicon was his invention when he realized that too many of his fans took him seriously, and even today there are people who believe the real existence of the Necronomicon . The book began to emerge from literary fiction to enter the real world in 1941 when an antique dealer in New York, Philip Duchesne, put it in its catalog a reference to Necronomicon, which provided the description and set the price at $ 900. In 1953 the journalist Arthur Scott, in an article the monthly U.S. Sir! , argued that the Necronomicon is written on sheets of human skin taken from people killed by witchcraft bills. In the 70 Colin Wilson argues that Lovecraft lied when he said that the Necronomicon does not exist, to cover the responsibilities of his father, member of the Egyptian Freemasonry founded by Cagliostro and owner of a copy of the Necronomicon (probably in English translation, by John Dee). Starring Bruce Campbell on the actor who plays Ash, a postmodern hero already appeared earlier in the House 1 and 2, there are many who consider him the best actor in "B-movie" of all time. His style Acting can be considered as a machismo pushed to capacity, which lends itself well to roles such as Ash Williams, whom Campbell himself has called it "an idiot and a moron like all of us. It is precisely this style is parodied in the film The Majestic where Campbell appears as Roland the Intrepid Explorer in the B-Movie Pirates of the Sahara, written by screenwriter played by Jim Carrey. Campbell also excels in the "acting otherwise", a recording technique used frequently by Raimi, where action sequences are filmed in reverse order as they appear in the film. Mitica the scene in which he must recite the three famous words to retrieve the Book of the Dead " Verata Klaatu Nikto ", the above phrase in question is a tribute to the cult science fiction film The Day the Earth in 1951 by Robert Wise. The film also stars the director's brother, Ted Raimi el 'actress Embeth Davidtz in the role of companion Sheila Ash in medieval period, as well as interpreter of the wonderful film' Men Bicentanario of 1999, which I will deal shortly. Finally a good realization of special effects used to represent the army of undead skeletons and the like, and this winner of the International Festival of Fantasy Film Brussels Raven Gold for Best Film. Favorite phrase "give me a little 'sugar baby."

Monday, February 16, 2009
High Hard Closed Cervix Pregnant?

-Goooooooood Moooorning!
Today's lesson is to tell "their own words" a story of any kind. Some friends had "built" a magic hat (just to stay in the fun): whoever put him to tell his story, he charmed with his words all those present.
Yeah sure! Logical! Is flawless, BUT ... yes gentlemen, there is a magic hat ... but it only works if the head is resting on which is not that of the old Charlie. The poor in fact, when its turn comes, barely stand up. He sits in front of teammates and wears his hat, which promptly falls before the eyes (and largely trooooppo ... classic!). After a blizzard to hold the aforementioned hat, old Charlie is about to begin. But it stutters so much that their classmates and the teacher understand a word every 3. It was more or less like this:
-Tttto ... GGGGG-day I'm going to tell t. .. ttt-s-h story of PP-eter a. .. nd the wo-ooo-olf ...
Etcetera, etcetera ...
Within five minutes, all snoring under the teacher, which looks at the old Charlie with a smile. At first I thought the old Charlie:-Good grief! I'll give you pain! -.
But after a moment, we realize that Charlie is not a smile of compassion, but ... encouragement. Then Charlie smiles and continues to turn.
Between 18,374 grammar, 26,891 repeated words, our storyteller ends the story of Peter and the Wolf. Eventually something incredible happens: The Companions applauded!
Bottom line: better to play on stage with the spotlight in his face and a public that is not shown!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
What Would You Say When Some One Congratulats You
And so at last we left you, the news I felt a dull pain, surprise .... why?
Enzo Iannella said
"Life is important even when it is helpless and defenseless. My son had enough blink of an eye "
Eluana a big hug hello and I'll see if there is a God, hello "crazy horse"!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
How Does Proline Work?
Celebrate my 21 years with a special friend. In truth it was my birthday yesterday, but better late than never.
Now that I'm 21 ... I
do the same things I did before!
Hello everyone!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Crest Whiteproducts Singapore

Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Aspartime Withdrawels
Just because I have a bat and do not know what to write instead a short video. Me and my best friend we play: I am the guitar and he drums. I know he does a little disgusting, so please do not pull me names.
Hello hello!