Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kates Playground Iphone Vid

Michael Jackson (1958-2009) Under

admit di non essere mai stata un'accannita amante della sua musica, ammetto anche di essermene ampiamente fregata di tutti i gossip e non sulla sua vita privata. Ma riconosco che ieri è venuta a mancare una vera e propria leggenda della musica e del ballo. Quindi, in memoria del King of Pop posto la sua hit più famosa, ancora in testa alle classifiche come album più venduto nella storia della musica.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Megan Goods Short Hair

elections ... strange things happen

Come è già successo a Ross nel suo post , è successo anche a me, ma senza aver mangiato niente di particolarmente pesante. Ero lì nel mio candido lettino e ad un certo punto mi sento una voce che mi fa "Mi consenta to wake her. You should go and vote. "I open one eye open the other and I see Mr. Berlusca in suits standing in front of my bed with his hands on his hips. He hands me four cards and said:" Vote! ". I'm still sitting on the bed with his eyes half shut. After a short silence, my mouth opens and the result is a "Look, the eighth dwarf, take the gentleman and respect women who sleep! Good night, "and I fall asleep again. A few seconds after I wake up cursing really ... as a builder because they are the 4 in the morning.
course it's true: Some things happen only in dreams! But I'm going to vote the same ...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kates Playground My Hoodie Set

oss , concorsi e graduatorie....

Che vita dura quella dell'oss: operatore socio sanitario!
Quasi tutti i giovani diplomati vengono tacciati dall'opinione pubblica e dai vari governanti politici di essere fannulloni, mantenuti dalla famiglia e con poca prpensione al lavoro.... Chi dà autonomia e voglia di casetta? Come si possono esaudire tutti questi sogni se uno non ha uno straccio di lavoro?
Partono gli emigranti del lavoro e dei concorsi da nord a sud, da sud a nord, speranze illuse, promesse disattese, valigie a seguito, panino alla mano, frustration, discomfort ........ 6 to 14 at most places if it goes well in competitions, questions 800/1000 10 € or something extra to participate in order to change the lives of the unemployed.
's sad, and it is sad when you're well placed in the merit list, plus there is a law that extended these rankings until 2010, but several companies have already dismissed this by issuing new contests ....
another round, another wheel more disappointments and young people lined up without giving up ....
Casini said one day:
not want foreigners, who work in factories?
I answer
- but did you notice that all of the services sector, Italian firms are dying and are closing but saw that movie Casini as he said?
And the brunette wants to work people up to 70 years, we are not in government where a chair is always, you must give and guarantee a job, because the laws if you have more than 30 years old to six forces armed, for public places, for companies that have no incentive to hire people over 30, and then remain empty words, called to tell her, but not to solve hunger and unemployment of people ....
The resignation is bad, especially in the young!