Friday, November 26, 2010

24 Volt Battery Charger Schematic Circuit Project

Guinea pigs

In Guatemala and the United States for several years rumors circulated on the scientific experiments conducted on some 700 Guatemalans by a group of U.S. physicians between 1946 and 1948. These rumors have always been declared as groundless by the U.S. government until early October 2010 when the U.S. government admitted its involvement.
Guatemalans selected for testing (they were soldiers, prostitutes, peasants and mentally ill) were unaware that they have become guinea pigs to test the validity of penicillin in sexually transmitted diseases. Dr. John Cutler, ricercatore del dipartimento di Salute Usa, decise di infettare circa settecento persone con sifilide e gonorrea per poi monitorarne il decorso clinico. 

La scoperta degli esperimenti del dipartimento di Salute Usa è stata fatta da Susan Reverby, una ricercatrice del Wellesley College del Massachusetts. Dalle ricerche effettuate recentemente si conosce il destino di solo 71 persone, infettate dall'equipe del dottor John Cutler, che sarebbero morte durante la sperimentazione, mentre per le altre seicentotrenta persone non se ne conosce la sorte. 

Il governo Colom ha proposto la creazione di una Commissione di esperti per valutare la possibilità di richiedere un risarcimento per le vittime ed i familiari, ignari, di questi test. La Procuraduría de los Derechos Humanos ha chiesto ai sopravvissuti o ai discendenti delle vittime dei test statunitensi di presentarsi nei propri uffici per iniziare ad istruire le cause per le quali forniranno assistenza legale.
L'avvocato guatemalteco Amílcar Pop ha dichiarato in una intervista che "questi comportamenti devono essere condannati e indagati in un regolare processo. E' necessario ripudiare l'accaduto e condannare questo tipo di attività. L'umanità si è evoluta e questa azioni non devono essere più tollerati da nessun punto di vista. Quanto made by the United States falls in crimes against humanity. "

The former Foreign Minister Gabriel Orellana, has raised serious questions in a statement which stressed that what happened is an inexcusable abuse but "if the government (between 1945 and 1951 the pro-American president was Juan José Arévalo Bermejo) saw the experiment, with what legitimacy ask for compensation?".

Now the Guatemalan people waiting to know who was responsible and whether his government endorsed the experience.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Brunchnew York Citybest

The Guatemalan Elections in Venezuela Bolimar

On 19 October, Bolivian President Evo Morales and Peruvian President Alan Garcia signed a historic agreement, "Bolimar", which allows Bolivia to use the port of Ilo, which is located in southern Peru. The
Bolivia lost its outlet to the sea at the end of the "Pacific War" (1879-1884) where he gave battle in Bolivia, Chile and Peru.

The first negotiations (see also links to a port of La Paz) to retrieve an outlet to the Pacific Ocean dating back to 1992 when Peru and Bolivia signed several agreements to allow the first to have uno sbocco sul mare; questi accordi non furono mai messi in atto a causa delle instabili relazioni diplomatiche.
L'accordo firmato consente l'uso del porto a La Paz per i prossimi 99 anni per scopi commerciali, inoltre prevede facilitazioni di carattere economico e doganale per raggiungere il porto e la Bolivia potrà utilizzare anche una parte della costa nell'area di Ilo per scopi turistici e sportivi. 
Le esportazioni e le importazioni boliviane che transiteranno da Ilo avranno costi molto inferiori rispetto al passato; l'uso dell'area portuale attrarrà nuovi investimenti sia da parte del Perù che da parte della Bolivia per migliorare le infrastrutture e le attività commerciali area.

addition to an "Bolimar" was also signed the Protocolo de Ampliaorio Complementario y Cooperacion that puts an end to all the frictions that have come to create in recent decades and opens the door to a series bilateral agreements that will give a strong boost to the economy of both countries, cooperation in international politics, social policies and defense of indigenous peoples who live in Bolivia and Peru.
The Protocol stipulates that the two countries can use in a sustainable way, the waters of rivers (including the Lake Titicaca) located in Peru and Bolivia to help develop of rural populations.
With the agreement signed by Morales and Garcia in the first quarter of 2011 the two governments will study how to develop a common market that will enable a stronger economic and social integration.

President Morales after the signing of the agreements appeared very pleased and said: "The agreement with Bolivia on the outlet to the sea has come through the iron will of the government and the people of Lima Peru, and Peruvian President Garcia added: "This agreement puts an end and years of discussions. With the signing, we highlight the fruitful friendship between our peoples. Now for our Paesi".

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Maytag Quiet Series 400 Replacement Front Panel

Il 26 settembre 2010 in Venezuela si sono svolte le elezioni per il rinnovo del parlamento.
L'affluenza è stata del 67% dei venezuelani ed il clima della giornata elettorale è stato tranquillo come lo scrutinio dei voti; il tutto è stato confermato dalle delegazioni internazionali e quelle dei vari partiti politici venezuelani che hanno vigilato sul voto.
Il Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV del presidente Chavez) ha ottenuto 96 seggi, l'opposizione di Mesa de Unidiad (un'alleanza di partiti del centro destra) ha ottenuto 61 seggi ed i restanti 8 seggi sono andati a formazioni minori sia di destra and left.

Even in these last elections, the previous ones were held in 2005 and were boycotted by the parties of the center and right, there is a new victory of the PSUV, Chavez's party won out in most states while in the strongholds of the right (rich states on the border with Colombia as Zulia, Táchira and the nell'Anzoátegui) comes out hard but not defeated.
The PSVU while managing to get a large parliamentary majority does not reach the qualified majority that allowed him to date, without having to undertake the reform measure with the opposition.
The presence of a number of parliamentarians who form the opposition is definitely a good thing for democracy in Venezuela, this will definitely increase the parliamentary debate, control of the government and popular representation in parliament.

The comments of politicians are all positive for both those who won and for those who failed to win a majority of seats. The spokesperson for the Mesa de Unidad Aveleda Ramon Guillermo said: "She won the Venezuela who want a pluralist Parliament chose him despite the perversion of the electoral system. The people want peace, tranquility and prosperity. This is achieved with the weapon of peaceful vote. Always worth going to vote. "

Chavez in his first post-election statement said:" We must move forward to strengthen the Revolution. This is a new victory of the people. Thank you to everyone. Dear compatriots, it was a great day and we got a solid victory, enough to advance the Bolivarian socialism and democracy. "

While in the words of Aristobulo Isturiz, head of the election campaign, there is a little regret for not being able to win two-thirds of seats, these are the words on: "We reached an important election result even if we hoped to reach two thirds of the Assembly. And even though we have not reached the goal fixed in advance we can be happy: our party is still the country's first . And I am sure that our MPs will do everything possible to continue the fight for the construction of socialism. "

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Make A 3d Tractor Cake

Fight to Nartcotraffico in Costa Rica and Peru

Costa Rica is the only nation which abolished the army, the army since 1948 no longer exists and the operations of territorial control of public order are carried out by the police.
But by the middle of September 2009 in the Central American country an army reappeared, this is the United States.
is not an attack but the result of an agreement signed in 1998 between the two countries to counter drug trafficking.
In Costa Rica landed about seven U.S. soldiers, fifty warships of the U.S. Navy and about two hundred helicopters and aircraft. The U.S. commitment to expire at the end of December 2010 but according to sources close to the government is starting to deal with an extension of the mission.

This 'invasion' has sparked bitter controversy among those who do not want the U.S. military presence, the pacifists and the opposition Parliament, questioning the validity of the Agreement, on the one hand and the government, which has ratified the agreement on the other.
Even a police officer, Commissioner Boraschi Drug Mauricio, told a national newspaper that "we must not and can not misinterpret the permission granted to the U.S. military patrols as the intention to militarize the fight against drugs . The presence of U.S. troops does not represent a danger to the Costa Rican national sovereignty. It 's impossible for the U.S. military operations on the ground: their task will take place entirely in the waters that flow through the country. "

The pacifist organizations such as Amigos para la Paz are mobilizing to express their disagreement with the agreement that led the U.S. army in Costa Rica
spokesman Amigos para la Paz talking to a radio broadcast he said: "The Costa Rica is a country born for peace I do not like to see U.S. warships in our sea. To combat drug trafficking in our country really has to start changing the culture in young people. bring on the path of discipline. In any case the presence of so many military appears to be disproportionate. "

Staying in the fight against drug trafficking, the President of Peru, Alan Garcia, during a television interview about the issuer CNN blatantly complained of scarcity of funds that the U.S. government allocates to the country to combat drug trafficking. The U.S. government for the year 2010 has allocated approximately $ 37 million.
interview Garcia said: "In what are the human and universal themes, I do not question the sovereignty and patriotism, if the Americans want to send troops for training, as well as they have helicopters and observation points and satellite communications, are welcome. [...] I have already said that once President Obama was her fault, because he put all the money in Colombia, Plan Colombia, and Peru at the moment. "

Even in Peru has a large open front against claims that Garcia has done to the U.S., a former general, now retired Edwin Donayre, intervened in the debate saying he was the opposite opinion than the president because the army and the police are trained to fight drug trafficking. Giving Garcia added that in doing so shows you do not have a policy against drug trafficking.

The thought of Samuel Tamayo Flores, anti-nuclear activist and pacifist, takes as its subject the Costa Rica but We can also extend to Peru. These are the words spoken in a radio interview: "Costa Rica has the distinction of not having an army. One thing really great, unique. If our government wants to fight drug trafficking from the south of the continent come to north due to the shift in the waters of countries like ours, should not militarize the sea but to provide money for building projects for young people. Only by changing the mindset of the younger generation, you can change the tables. Maybe, though. There is a latent interest in continuing to live in this situation. Finally, I would say that instead of calling the U.S., I would have trained our men: la sovranità nazionale non sarebbe stata messa in dubbio e si sarebbero evitate polemiche inutili."