On October 31, Dilma Rousseff Lavotatori 'Party (PT), Lula's former president, defeated at the ballot right-wingers, José Serra (PSDB), conquering the 56.05% of votes (remember the outcome of the first round where he got 46.7% preferences) and becoming the first woman president of Brazil.
Immediately after the victory at the ballot Dilma said that monetary policy will not undergo changes from the Lula presidency and therefore also the Finance Minister (Guido Mantega) and the President of the Bank Central (Henrique Meirelles) continue their work.
The new government will Dilma continuitàa many projects and policies undertaken by the previous government, an example is the PAC project (program of gradual acceleration of growth) which was edited by preoprio new president.
Dilma in his first official immediately placed the emphasis on fighting poverty. Chercher its policy in the coming years to eradicate the poverty that affects about 16% of the Brazilian population, and that already during the Lula government (which lasted eight years) decreased by 18%.
The results obtained to date from the Bolsa Familia are driven project but certainly commend the project created by Lula has been helped by the economic situation is very favorable to allowing Brazil to impose itself on the global market, which enabled over the last eight years to create more than 14 million jobs.
Il progetto oltre a puntare sullo sviluppo economico del paese sostiene le famiglie con lo stanziamento di circa quindici milioni di euro all'anno che è pari all'un percento del PIL brasiliano.
L'intervento del governo brasiliano è urgente e "quello che conta è che venga eliminata la povertà estrema" ha affermato il ministro dello sviluppo sociale Márcia Lopes ed il nuovo censimento che dovrebbe vedere la luce entro fine anno dovrebbe permettere al progetto di mirare ancora meglio gli aiuti alla popolazione che vive nella povertà più estrema.
Ed è un intervento anche piuttosto urgente, perché although 85 percent of those living on one dollar a day is already enrolled in Bolsa Familia, the contribution is insufficient to ensure that raise their head out of the most extreme poverty. Seventy reais per person per month (about 30 auro) remains negligible.
The new government will be able to keep the promises and the way that the Lula government, albeit with great contradictions and errors , has undertaken will be hard, but the hope of the Brazilians, who have put their trust in Rousseff and Lula who has strongly supported as his successor, is to continue to give dignity to all Brazilian people making the principal actor in the economy and politics.
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