Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome Letter Examples For Destination Weddings

life imprisonment in Cuba: three terrorists convicted

At the end of December 2010 the Tribunal Popular Provincial de La Habana was sentenced to thirty years imprisonment on a citizen of El Salvador Francisco Chávez Abarca for acts of terrorism against the Cuban state.
The Court has considered all the evidence gathered during investigations and of admissions made during the trial, from which Abarca said he received orders directly from the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles .
Evidence gathered by the Cuban police have established that the accused raccoglievas information on places most frequented by tourists and then hit them with terrorist attacks.

Investigations have shown that Abarca recruited, trained, organized and financed by the citizens of Guatemala and El Salvador to carry out terrorist attacks or sabotage in the 90's.
Abarca said during an interrogation to be part of "an armed established in Central America by Luis Posada Carriles by the Cuban-American National Foundation. "Furthermore, he admitted his participation in the series of bombings that struck Cuba in 1997 and that these terrorist acts were promoted by Posada Carriles.

Besides Abarca were sentenced two other terrorists, Raul Ernesto Cruz Leon and Nader Kamal Musallam Barakat, for their active participation (preparation and study of the explosive to blow up places where the bombs) in terrorist acts against Cuba
Cruz León, guilty of having organized and committed the attack in 1999 in Havana where he died Fabio di Celmo, and Musallam furono condannati a morte con una sentenza emessa nel 2008 dal Consejo de Estado ma in questo processo la pena capitale è stata commutata in una pena detentiva di trenta anni.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Does Khair Mean Arabic

Honduras: the army intervenes in Guadalupe Carney

L'alba del 15 dicembre 2010, in Honduras, ha visto il dispiegamento di circa seicentocincuanta uomini appartenenti alla polizia ed esercito. Il dislocamento delle forze dell'ordine hanno di fatto circondato ed occupato l'intera comunità Guadalupe Carney, dove il Movimiento Campesino del Aguán (MCA) stava protestando da quasi due settimane giorni.

La protesta del MCA nasce perché il governo golpista non ha dato seguito ad alcune applications such as land reform and the ban on paramilitary groups in the region of Bajo Aguan. In this region in November were killed five farmers who were opposed to the displacement desired by magnate Miguel Facusse and this clashed with his private army who killed them.

The occupation of the region by the troops had already begun some days before when they had arrived with armored vehicles, helicopters, tanks and trucks equipped with bars of cells (which retain the stop). The military are also ecuipaggiati with high-caliber weapons.

The crackdown on the political and media field is supported by the Security Minister Oscar Alvarez, who announced a major commitment by the state in the area of \u200b\u200bBajo Aguan and in all regions where farmers oppose the "modernization of the country ". For the government and large landowners such as the modernization of Honduras Miguel Facusse passes out of the crowd forced the peasants who do not want to cede their land to big landowners proiprietari, which financed and supported the coup government, for a few dollars.

Minister Álvarez said of the Movimiento Campesino Aguan are "dark souls, dark" that interact with the drug traffickers, these falsehoods should prepare the ground for future military operations and the consequent processes that may see their "debut" anti-terrorist law recently passed.

air in Honduras is increasingly heavy, we can expect yet another massacre of campesinos?

Thursday, January 20, 2011 Play

Bolivia: reform the pension system

The Bolivian parliament has approved the pension reform proposed by the government led by Evo Morales.
The reform provides that men retire at age 58 instead of the current 66, while the women and the miners' retirement age è anticipata a 56.

La riforma ha fatto molto discutere in Bolivia e sicuramente farà discutere e verrà osservata con attenzione all'estero.
La nuova legge che rivoluziona il settore pensionistico è in evidente controtendenza rispetto a tutti gli altri paese del mondo dove l'età pensionabile è stata o verrà aumentata.
La riforma boliviana si può spiegare con il rapporto tra il periodo lavorativo e la speranza di vita dei lavoratori boliviani che nel paese è di 66 anni. Altro dato importante è l'età media della popolazione di circa 22 anni e cresce al ritmo del 2 percento l'anno.

Con questa legge il sistema pensionistico non verrà stravolto e secondo alcuni studi indipendenti molti settori dell'economia nazionale ne trarranno un beneficio diversificando l'economia nazionale e migliorando i salari. Uno dei punti che gli studi indipendenti ed il governo non sono riusciti a sciogliere è come reagirà l'economia nazionale nei prossimi anni sui fondi pensioni le cui previsioni sono effettuate per periodi di tempo lunghi, circa 35 anni. 
Inoltre la riforma prevede l'istituzione di un "fondo di solidarietà" finanziato anche dallo Stato per assiscurare una pensione minima ai lavoratori autonomi che abbiano versato contributi for at least 10 years.
Alongside this reform President Morales has decided, with the backing of parliament, the nationalization of two banks (owned by Spain's BBVA and Switzerland's Zurich Financial Service) managed pension funds.

Apaza Bruno, director of the Cob, the Central Obrera Boliviana wonders if "the state will assist that part of the population that today does not work, because if it is true that the workforce of the country is available at put his to help the less fortunate, whether the state should take to heart the situation and do much for them. We'll see. In fact will be young to be positive or negative in this situation. "

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Is A Ruptured Hernia

The Mapuche and the moves of Piñera

With the conclusion of the hunger strike of the last ten Mapuche, imprisoned in the jail of Angol, opens a new phase in the conflict between the Mapuche people and Chile
The first step is the reform of the Ley on terror, then the Mapuche addenda to have "recognized their rights to equality and equal dignity" and then the central government must give life to the Plan Araucanía ( which provides an appropriation of about four million dollars to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the region, 700km south of Santiago del Cile, in cui scarseggiano acqua e infrastrutture).

Con la revisione della Ley Antiterrorista, istituita dalla giunta militare di Pinochet, saranno riformulate le accuse in base alla legge ordinaria verso i 35 Mapuche (incarcerati per aver appiccato il fuoco a una proprietà terriera e ad alcuni macchinari agricoli) perché a causa della legge creata di Pinochet rischiavano fino a cento anni di carcere.

Il governo ha creato una commissioni interministeriale per attuare un progetto di riforma della Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena (Conadi) e la creazione dell'Agenzia di sviluppo native.
According to the analysis of the representatives of the Mapuche people, and only these changes will only serve to reduce any rights of the indigenous peoples. With these reforms are the agreements of the Convention 169 (ILO) ratified by Chile in September 2008.
The government tries to emphasize that the Chilean nation is "one, indivisible and multicultural [... ] every community must preserve, strengthen and develop their identity, culture, language, institutions and traditions and participate in economic, social, political and cultural life of the country in the form of establishing the national system. " In so doing the Mapuche and other indigenous peoples lose the status of legal entity and therefore any law related to the status thus going to affect the ancestral lands and waters.
With this move the government Piñera policy recognizes the rights of individuals, whether Indian or not, but stripped of all rights "indigenous peoples will be able to organize their lives according to their customs, provided that they do not contravene the Constitución and laws "that can no longer administer the law according to their own ancestral lands.

If what, for now, it was only sketched Piñera by the government were to come true then the conflict between the Mapuche and the Chilean government is certainly riacuirebbe.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How Long Can I Keep Castoroil

Brazil arrested Alejandro Cesar Enciso

in Brazil in mid-December 2010 and specifically in Rio de Janeiro has been arrested for crimes against humanity between 1976 and 1983, the Argentine national Alejandro Cesar Enciso on charges of having kidnapped , tortured and killed some Italian citizens.
Enciso is the son of General Otto Paladino who ran during the dictatorship, the detention facility illegal Automotores rib.

Alejandro Cesar Enciso had managed to lose all traces of Argentina and Italian justice, the order came from the latter international arrest implemented by Brazilian police, thanks to its numerous false identities.
With the latest alias, Horacio Andres Rios Pino, had constructed a past case of irony, from an opponent of the Argentine military regime. He lived in Brazil for over twenty years as a photographer.

now expect the moves of the Italian justice system that most likely will ask for his extradition.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What To Write In A Wedding Card For My Sister

condemn those responsible for the massacre of Margarita

The court of Resistencia, the capital of Chaco in Argentina has sentenced ten policemen and two soldiers for the massacre of Margarita on December 13, 1976 where political prisoners were killed twenty-two.

The execution for many years has been masked by the heads and from the upper echelons of the army, who supported the dictatorship, as a violent gun battle between prisoners. Among the suspected instigators of the massacre there would be the former army chief, Ricardo Brinzoni removed in 2003 by President Néstor Kirchner, along with 27 other generals, who in 1976 he held a high post in the military government of Chaco.

The judge sentenced only for the massacre of Margarita for the human rights violations that occurred between 1976 and 1983, eight policemen and two soldiers to a term of 25 years imprisonment while the other two policemen to 15 years.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Floor Plan For 1996 18 Foot Dutchman Trailer

Italy: pasta, mandolin e. .. cans.

First of all ... Happy 2011!


I must confess that over the pasta contained in the cans have been eaten by adults of the family, the innocent child they have studied a bit 'and then approached the plate for us. After eating, I can say with honesty that have done well ... The sauce was really sweet and the pasta is hot.

What satisfaction but eat in one bite that nasty blonde Aurora and devour the castle!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Blogger Wrestling Template

Colombian Fumigation in Amazonia

The deadly with glyphosphate pesticide spraying ( Fumigation in Paraguay, glyphosphate pesticide in the fumigation of Colombia ) in Amazonia and Colombia continue incessanetemente not tell whether what is being flooded with very harmful pesticide is a plantation of coca cultivation or another.
At the end of November 2010 at Remolino Caguana was devastated a cocoa plantation in un'agricoltore Committee producer of cocoa Remolino Caguana and Suncillas.

fumigation are a real scourge for farmers who grow cocoa and who have no other form of sustenance, but this kind of struggle, undertaken by the government in Bogota against drug trafficking, does not distinguish who actually grow the coca plant from other growers.
After the passage of air that spread indiscriminatamnete glyphosphate pesticide on crops some farmers have noticed how the coca plant are the only ones to resist the powerful weed while all other are "burned" instantly.

Farmers now cultivate cocoa and suffer from glyphosphate pesticide are part of the "No to coca, cocoa yes" conceived by Father Hyacinth Franzoi, historical missionary Remolino. Remolino before the advent of the "No to coca, cocoa yes" was a little Las Vegas of the drug trafficking in the Amazon with numerous bars, casinos, nightclubs, brothels, restaurants, luxury living through trade of coca paste for sale every Sunday at the town market on a multitude of stalls. This market attracted thousands of buyers and with them came many dollars.
Today is Remolino a poor city that has not been able to use the money arrived, thanks to coca paste, also for the redevelopment of the crops or livestock acqustare to secure a better future. In this situation of extreme poverty Giacinto Franzoi father continued to assert that "the coca paste no longer eat and takes you straight to prison, we must think of alternative legal and sustainable", today, many farmers have embarked on this new road .

Unfortunately, the presence of illicit crops and its engagement by the Government and fumigation contractors flying over crops without distinction between legal and illegal, as well plantations to kill and pollute the environment (even with severe damage to the health of humans and animals) but also severely undermine sustainable living and legal difficulty that farmers have managed to build.