At the end of December 2010 the Tribunal Popular Provincial de La Habana was sentenced to thirty years imprisonment on a citizen of El Salvador Francisco Chávez Abarca for acts of terrorism against the Cuban state.
The Court has considered all the evidence gathered during investigations and of admissions made during the trial, from which Abarca said he received orders directly from the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles .
Evidence gathered by the Cuban police have established that the accused raccoglievas information on places most frequented by tourists and then hit them with terrorist attacks.
Investigations have shown that Abarca recruited, trained, organized and financed by the citizens of Guatemala and El Salvador to carry out terrorist attacks or sabotage in the 90's.
Abarca said during an interrogation to be part of "an armed established in Central America by Luis Posada Carriles by the Cuban-American National Foundation. "Furthermore, he admitted his participation in the series of bombings that struck Cuba in 1997 and that these terrorist acts were promoted by Posada Carriles.
Besides Abarca were sentenced two other terrorists, Raul Ernesto Cruz Leon and Nader Kamal Musallam Barakat, for their active participation (preparation and study of the explosive to blow up places where the bombs) in terrorist acts against Cuba
Cruz León, guilty of having organized and committed the attack in 1999 in Havana where he died Fabio di Celmo, and Musallam furono condannati a morte con una sentenza emessa nel 2008 dal Consejo de Estado ma in questo processo la pena capitale è stata commutata in una pena detentiva di trenta anni.