With the conclusion of the hunger strike of the last ten Mapuche, imprisoned in the jail of Angol, opens a new phase in the conflict between the Mapuche people and Chile
The first step is the reform of the Ley on terror, then the Mapuche addenda to have "recognized their rights to equality and equal dignity" and then the central government must give life to the Plan Araucanía ( which provides an appropriation of about four million dollars to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the region, 700km south of Santiago del Cile, in cui scarseggiano acqua e infrastrutture).
Con la revisione della Ley Antiterrorista, istituita dalla giunta militare di Pinochet, saranno riformulate le accuse in base alla legge ordinaria verso i 35 Mapuche (incarcerati per aver appiccato il fuoco a una proprietà terriera e ad alcuni macchinari agricoli) perché a causa della legge creata di Pinochet rischiavano fino a cento anni di carcere.
Il governo ha creato una commissioni interministeriale per attuare un progetto di riforma della Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena (Conadi) e la creazione dell'Agenzia di sviluppo native.
According to the analysis of the representatives of the Mapuche people, and only these changes will only serve to reduce any rights of the indigenous peoples. With these reforms are the agreements of the Convention 169 (ILO) ratified by Chile in September 2008.
The government tries to emphasize that the Chilean nation is "one, indivisible and multicultural [... ] every community must preserve, strengthen and develop their identity, culture, language, institutions and traditions and participate in economic, social, political and cultural life of the country in the form of establishing the national system. " In so doing the Mapuche and other indigenous peoples lose the status of legal entity and therefore any law related to the status thus going to affect the ancestral lands and waters.
With this move the government Piñera policy recognizes the rights of individuals, whether Indian or not, but stripped of all rights "indigenous peoples will be able to organize their lives according to their customs, provided that they do not contravene the Constitución and laws "that can no longer administer the law according to their own ancestral lands.
If what, for now, it was only sketched Piñera by the government were to come true then the conflict between the Mapuche and the Chilean government is certainly riacuirebbe.
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