Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Does Khair Mean Arabic

Honduras: the army intervenes in Guadalupe Carney

L'alba del 15 dicembre 2010, in Honduras, ha visto il dispiegamento di circa seicentocincuanta uomini appartenenti alla polizia ed esercito. Il dislocamento delle forze dell'ordine hanno di fatto circondato ed occupato l'intera comunità Guadalupe Carney, dove il Movimiento Campesino del Aguán (MCA) stava protestando da quasi due settimane giorni.

La protesta del MCA nasce perché il governo golpista non ha dato seguito ad alcune applications such as land reform and the ban on paramilitary groups in the region of Bajo Aguan. In this region in November were killed five farmers who were opposed to the displacement desired by magnate Miguel Facusse and this clashed with his private army who killed them.

The occupation of the region by the troops had already begun some days before when they had arrived with armored vehicles, helicopters, tanks and trucks equipped with bars of cells (which retain the stop). The military are also ecuipaggiati with high-caliber weapons.

The crackdown on the political and media field is supported by the Security Minister Oscar Alvarez, who announced a major commitment by the state in the area of \u200b\u200bBajo Aguan and in all regions where farmers oppose the "modernization of the country ". For the government and large landowners such as the modernization of Honduras Miguel Facusse passes out of the crowd forced the peasants who do not want to cede their land to big landowners proiprietari, which financed and supported the coup government, for a few dollars.

Minister Álvarez said of the Movimiento Campesino Aguan are "dark souls, dark" that interact with the drug traffickers, these falsehoods should prepare the ground for future military operations and the consequent processes that may see their "debut" anti-terrorist law recently passed.

air in Honduras is increasingly heavy, we can expect yet another massacre of campesinos?


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