Gaudiano Policoro to shed light on the hospital
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 18:04 GIANLUCA Pizzolla
POLICORO - A press conference at the hospital Policoro this morning in the office of health management, in which the Director of asthma, Vito Gaudiano, made clear on "too many rumors and gossip that they only hurt the people and the many positive projects underway on Policoro" , began with these words Gaudiano. Who added: "No more protests to those in Policoro tench started but have absolutely no motivation." The manager then focused on the numbers of active and passive mobility and competitiveness, according to his data, they would see the Asm (Matera) keep up the nearby Puglia. "The number of hospitalizations in the Basilicata region exceeds the number of admissions in Puglia, has reversed the flow. There is also an improvement in the active mobility (patients who choose to cure asthma, ed.) And a reduction of the passive (those who go out to heal, ed.) As for the "gossip" policoresi, Gaudiano clarified some passages.
THE ALLEGED Unification UTIC-RESUSCITATION POLICORO. "It is not a consolidation but the transfer of patients Utica and those of resuscitation in one area that would have the advantage of monitoring by the control unit, all without reducing the number of beds (8 in all)," said . "Currently, patients do not have all of central monitoring, in fact those in need of resuscitation (2 - 3 persons) do not have central monitoring. "
THE HOSPITAL AND THE LACK OF SPACE "FIRST AID CAMP. "When I established the Superintendency was blocked for nearly five years, the renovation of the hospital Policoro, while the works were in progress have been blocked because it showed the remains of the old Eraclea. The hospital today is a lager. It is not dignified for patients. The fault is not mine and even doctors. Fortunately, will inaugurate the new one in April with eight locations to keep patients under observation. "
MRI. On this point have been called "nonsense." "Resonance Policoro was not opened because the new rules we had to start again. One thing I'm not used to do is open and then immediately afterwards to close. I recall that there have now been opened to new operating rooms and the tac best in the region. "
STAFF. "Despite the hiring freeze, the emergency room has Policoro avuto14 nurses, we hired two doctors. In obstetrics, after the tragic death of Rosalba Pascucci after cesarean section twin, it's being the primary functions of Madonna delle Grazie, Matera. This also disproves the joke about my attempts to help defuse Policoro Matera.
BIRTH MARKS. "Policoro threatened to quit because according to the minister Fazio was with the garrison of Villa D'Agri, too low, the number of shares (the minimum is 500). I felt close Policoro criminal who travels around 480-490 parts.
POLICORO "PSA" BET TO WIN. "Policoro be excellence as PSA (ER Assets). This does not mean that John Paul II will be an emergency, but it will be a hospital for acute connected to the system of urgent and emergency 118. Today is not a Policoro psa but what we are doing it will become.
BEDS. "It is true that they are insufficient, it is true that our colleagues have imparare a gestirli meglio con il “bed management”(gestione del posto letto,ndr). Molto spesso è la questione sociale che incide, ci sono persone che chiedono di rimanere di più in ospedale perchè a casa non hanno i termosifoni funzionati: accadeva a Tricarico”.(GianPi)
Guardia medica ai lidi e vicenda Pascucci
POLICORO - Durante la conferenza stampa abbiamo chiesto a Gaudiano delucidazioni sui presidi di Guardia Medica (ambulatori) nei lidi del Metapontino e sul punto in cui è giunta l'inchiesta interna avviata dall'Asm dopo la morte nel settembre scorso, in seguito a parto cesareo gemellare, di Rosalba Pascucci, giovane bernaldese.
ROSALBA PASCUCCI. “Quello I had to do I did, suspended the two gentlemen concerned for 60 days, the maximum time allowed by the rules, but then I have not heard anything either from the ministerial committee that asked me too, I know neither of the findings from an autopsy privatization of view but I am not aware that the judiciary has to be made public. Surely I should know because if I have to also take other disciplinary action against two colleagues or reintegrate them completely. "
MEDICAL AID. "That's Metaponto is not a doctor, but it is a general medical practice. Last year they wanted to reopen the clinic and I do not know if I'll just make it this year. Also because if I did I do it in Metaponto shore in Nova Siri, Scanzano, Policoro, Rotondella. However, if we must talk in a serious way the service is not needed, we already have the 118 with 40 ambulances throughout the country. (Gianpi)
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