Vito Gaudiano not denied standing out as a champion of arrogance and deception. Until a few months ago he went around telling the futility of the garrison of Policoro, announcing in the secret rooms, the dismantling. After months of struggle and the interest of the Committee on the fate of the hospital Policoro by up to several regional directors, to change strategy and discovers that the words hospital Policoro is strategic for the economy's health Lucana. Sure
us some time to recognize what we said we were going for some time but now the words are not followed by actions, or rather the working conditions and performance of the hospital Policoro are dramatic for the continued plundering of resources and the chronic logistical shortfalls.
Just take a trip to the hospital Policoro to realize operating conditions in which doctors and nurses. The beds, which according to national parameters should be compared with 270 to 80 000 inhabitants in the catchment area concerned by the PSA Policoro (3.3 people per 1,000 inhabitants), were now reduced to only 89 beds ( amalgamation were the first 227), on projected use of 54 doctors are on duty only 22 units, the same situation for the paramedics to the lack of which is to provide a breakdown of performance of the garrison of Policoro: You may continue in this manner reparto per reparto. Scandaloso è poi la questione dei tempi delle liste di attesa che si sono drammaticamente raddoppiati in raffronto alla vecchia gestione.
C’è voluta una Delibera di Giunta per fermare l’opera di smantellamento silenzioso messo in atto: il Direttore Generale, a quel che si dice, sembrerebbe ancora perseverare nell'opera demolitoria facendo passare alcuni provvedimenti come fossero decisioni antecedenti allo stop imposto dall’Assessore Martorano. Noi proseguiremo il presidio davanti all’ospedale fino all’opprovazione del nuovo Piano sanitario e richiediamo con forza l’integrazione nei reparti del personale medico e paramedico in modo da mettere da subito l’Ospedale in grado di garantire performance to the expectations of citizens.
In this week we will continue our work of informing and raising awareness of denunciation and the political class, knowing that this battle is not only in defense of good primary health care, but it is vital for the quality of life of the whole metapontino area.
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