Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Brunchnew York Citybest

The Guatemalan Elections in Venezuela Bolimar

On 19 October, Bolivian President Evo Morales and Peruvian President Alan Garcia signed a historic agreement, "Bolimar", which allows Bolivia to use the port of Ilo, which is located in southern Peru. The
Bolivia lost its outlet to the sea at the end of the "Pacific War" (1879-1884) where he gave battle in Bolivia, Chile and Peru.

The first negotiations (see also links to a port of La Paz) to retrieve an outlet to the Pacific Ocean dating back to 1992 when Peru and Bolivia signed several agreements to allow the first to have uno sbocco sul mare; questi accordi non furono mai messi in atto a causa delle instabili relazioni diplomatiche.
L'accordo firmato consente l'uso del porto a La Paz per i prossimi 99 anni per scopi commerciali, inoltre prevede facilitazioni di carattere economico e doganale per raggiungere il porto e la Bolivia potrà utilizzare anche una parte della costa nell'area di Ilo per scopi turistici e sportivi. 
Le esportazioni e le importazioni boliviane che transiteranno da Ilo avranno costi molto inferiori rispetto al passato; l'uso dell'area portuale attrarrà nuovi investimenti sia da parte del Perù che da parte della Bolivia per migliorare le infrastrutture e le attività commerciali area.

addition to an "Bolimar" was also signed the Protocolo de Ampliaorio Complementario y Cooperacion that puts an end to all the frictions that have come to create in recent decades and opens the door to a series bilateral agreements that will give a strong boost to the economy of both countries, cooperation in international politics, social policies and defense of indigenous peoples who live in Bolivia and Peru.
The Protocol stipulates that the two countries can use in a sustainable way, the waters of rivers (including the Lake Titicaca) located in Peru and Bolivia to help develop of rural populations.
With the agreement signed by Morales and Garcia in the first quarter of 2011 the two governments will study how to develop a common market that will enable a stronger economic and social integration.

President Morales after the signing of the agreements appeared very pleased and said: "The agreement with Bolivia on the outlet to the sea has come through the iron will of the government and the people of Lima Peru, and Peruvian President Garcia added: "This agreement puts an end and years of discussions. With the signing, we highlight the fruitful friendship between our peoples. Now for our Paesi".


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