not only the rider, not just girls, not just the madam and flatterers, not only the friends dressed as butlers, the purveyor of sex, disks Apicella and lap dance in the basement : In this story from the late Roman Empire, there are also fathers. It is the evocation of the most brazen, most melancholy
of what remained of Berlusconi of Italy at the time. I padri che amministrano le figlie, che le introducono alla corte del drago, le istruiscono, le accompagnano all´imbocco della notte. I padri che chiedono meticoloso conto e ragione delle loro performance, che si lagnano perché la nomination del Berlusca le ha escluse, che chiedono a quelle loro figlie di non sfigurare, di impegnarsi di più a letto, di meritarsi i favori del vecchio sultano. I padri un po´ prosseneti, un po´ procuratori che smanacciano la vita di quelle ragazze come se fossero biglietti della lotteria e si aggrappano alle fregole del capo del governo come si farebbe con la leva di una slot machine...
Insomma questi padri ci sono, esistono, li abbiamo sentiti sospirare in attesa del verdetto, abbiamo letto nei Minutes of intercepting their thoughts, we have them listen to reason and enrichment of homes and changed lives in exchange for a quickie with their daughters, a man of seventy years: they are, most of the dragon, most of her maids, the real losers of this story. Because with them, with the fathers, is not the last piece of normalcy very Italian, with them all takes on a definite price, convenience, opportunity.
is why the next ten million signatures collected against Berlusconi should be another ten million signatures against the Italians. Arcore those nights are the mirror of the country.
of kids aged quickly and fathers dumb and happy. Convinced that their daughters, big brother or big brothel, the island's famous, the important thing is to be selected, to be smelled, to be bought. You say blame the suburbs, television, the poverty that weighs like a hair shirt, the wealth of the few insults like a spit and authorizes impure thoughts.
Bernard Viola, you can not remember who it was. I'll tell you.
was the father of Frank Viola, the girl of seventeen years of Alcamo, in the mid-sixties, was kidnapped on the orders of her rejected suitor, held captive for a week in a farmhouse and long-raped. It was a prelude to the wedding, to Italy and in the penal code of the time. If you liked a girl, and you did not like that girl, you had two paths: either you give up or I'll
taking. The seizure, rape, married. According to the laws of the time, the marriage healed every crime: it was love that won, was the sense of family and good patience to get there if you had to move the body and the dignity of a woman.
A Franca Viola was treated equally. He, Philip Melodia, a country kid, and the son of rich people with the surname heavy, had offered a dowry to the spider Franca, the land and the respect of friends. All that a ragazza di paese poteva desiderare da un uomo e da un matrimonio nella Sicilia degli anni sessanta. E quando Franca gli disse di no, lui se l´andò a prendere, com´era costume dei tempi. Solo che Franca gli disse di no anche dopo, glielo disse quando fece arrestare lui e i suoi amici, glielo urlò il giorno della sentenza, quando Filippo si sentì condannare a dodici anni di galera.
Il costume morale e sessuale dell´Italia cominciò a cambiare quel giorno, cambiò anche il codice penale, venne cancellato il diritto di rapire e
violentare all´ombra di un matrimonio riparatore. Fu per il coraggio di quella ragazzina siciliana. E per suo padre: Bernardo, appunto. Un contadino semianalfabeta, raised on bread and hoeing the land hunger of others. The cut trees, they killed the beasts, and took the job: to convince your daughter to marry, made him know. He convinced her instead to hold out, to denounce, to demand respect for the truth. You put your hand to him and I put another hundred, Bernard said his daughter Franca.
act of love, rather than courage. He was poor, Bernard, the poorest of the fathers of some "Squinzi" Arcore, those who ask if their daughters were chosen for the bed of the dragon. But maybe it was just another Italy.
Claudio Fava - January 24, 2011
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