Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Chile protests against the increase in the The gas

The increase, from February 1, 2011, imposed by the Chilean government, 17% of the gas did take to the streets the inhabitants of the region of Magallanes. The General Strike ( traders, truckers, fishermen and laborers) lasted about a week and have paralyzed the south of Chile with trucks and cars blocking access to the city of Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales and the local airport.

Protests have erupted in southern Chile because the cost of living in these areas is higher because of the large distances that goods must travel ed il freddo del sud obbliga un consumo maggiore di gas per il riscaldamento. 
I blocchi stradali sono stati mantenuti anche con la pioggia, il freddo riparandosi con tende improvvisate e riscaldandosi con piccoli fuochi. Il blocco delle attività è totale, il traffico di camion e auto che dovevano dirigersi dalla Isla grande della Terra del Fuoco a Punta Arenas utilizzando i traghetti hanno raggiunto i 7/8 km di coda. Il blocco stradale veniva sospeso momentaneamente per permettere ai camionisti ed automobilisti di raggiungere il porto per imbarcarsi approvando e sostenendo la protesta dei loro concittadini.

La protesta è stata sostenuta da all citizens of the region and there is tension among the population that has been mobilized and the police. The cars roamed the streets of the region had a black flag, a symbol of protest, a sign of mourning for the whole economy of the country due to the sharp increase in the gas.

Government took note of the will of the people to continue the protest decided to begin negotiations with the protesters. The organizers of the protest said they will continue to express their dissent until they manage to negotiate a fair price for gas.


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