La Costituzione ecuadoriana launched in 2008 recognizes the right to receive first aid from any public or private that is. Unfortunately, this article of the Constitution is often ignored and private structures dying literally leave the sick who are unable to present a credit card, or a few thousand-dollar bill or a certificate of insurance.
To combat the "health market", the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, has proclaimed January 10, 2001 "State of Emergency Medical Services for a minimum period of sixty days.
"The State of Health Emergency" Correa wanted to try to increase the efficiency of service bringing the national health funds about $ 410 million to boost infrastructure and technical equipment. The money to finance the project will be recovered with some taxes on alcohol and tobacco.
In the documents that provided the Ecuadorian Government says that since 2006 there has been an increase of nearly 140% access to public hospitals.
emblemaitico A case of Ecuadorian situaziomne Alcivar is to Edison in February 2010 that he arrived in critical condition at the private clinic Pichincha, one of the best facilities in the capital Quito, but it was nice because in his Portfolio had no credit cards or signs of health insurance. After four hours of arriving at the private clinic Pichincha, Edison, was dead.
Another striking example occurred in September 2009 when Charlotte Mazoyer, a young French volcanologist, was the victim of a robbery in which they shot her, she was taken to private clinic but Pichincha Edison even as she showed credit cards or stamps health insurance. It was left to die on a stretcher.
Health Care in Ecuador, as in any other country, is a very reditizio for individuals who work there and it is not uncommon to see speculation intolerable. In the private health sector is also a market for Ecuadorian patients with protagonists of the emergency operators who are paid by private, between 50 and 150 dollars, sending the injured in private clinics rather than in public facilities.
analysts in the light of the difficult health situation in Ecuador, where private clinics are certainly not going to give up their huge profits agree that the latest move by President Correa would be to impose, as the Constitution provides for the State of Exception.
With the exception of the State Constitution permette al governo di riformare pesantemente ed addirittura di nazionalizzare una parte o tutto un settore.
Correa, sempre secondo gli analisti, non si spingerà a tanto perché è il potere economico che impone le regole e non quello politico.
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