Friday, February 18, 2011

Tattoo Writing Generator

The UDC Policoro against the downsizing of the hospital

Mario Vigorito, alderman, and Nicola Viola Policoro express on behalf of UDC - In a statement released by the office of the City of Stamap Policoro - their opposition to the possible amalgamation dell'Utic resuscitation in the local hospital, "John Paul II:" We feared that the reduction of beds assume a negative meaning for all Ionian area, and it sounds like a reduction of the one defined by many third largest regional health. We do not want it to be the prelude to even closure of some departments are essential to the person. But to remain in the theme of our opposition, more specifically, the departments concerned, for every heart attack would be a serious injury. In fact it's statistically proven that the percentage of deaths heart attack is the second leading cause, after that for tumors, as pointed out in a recent round table organized by the Lions Club last week. So if you must follow the policy of the cuts have to start from unproductive expenditure and parasitic diseases that often lurk in public, and not vice versa, as many parties advocate, combine essential services. In fact, we would mention that the hospital of Policoro is what has a bigger audience in percentage terms, than many other hospitals Lucania. " Then Viola also tells a personal experience: "I found my skin on the efficiency and effectiveness of the service a few years ago when I was struck by a principio di infarto. Grazie ai posti letto e al personale dell’Utic fui ricoverato tempestivamente a Policoro e dopo qualche giorno trasportato al “San Carlo” di Potenza. Alla fine del periodo di degenza nel capoluogo, ritornai a Policoro e iniziai la riabilitazione nel reparto guidato egregiamente dal dott. Angelo Lapolla. Quindi la mia testimonianza diretta conferma l’importanza di questo servizio in un’area scoperta da presidi sanitari. Chi parla di periferia sbaglia, perché Policoro ha un circondario che và oltre i confini regionali se consideriamo che la Calabria jonica non ha ospedali e dunque l’utenza è alta e aumenta a dismisura l’estate”. Pertanto i due esponenti del partito di Casini concludono: "Not only are firmly against, but demand more staff and more beds for the cardiology department of rehabilitation and post-admission"


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